- The symposium will take place in Sayles Hall and the Salomon Center.
- Click here to see the location of the Salomon Center and click here to see the location of Sayles Hall on Google Maps. The two buildings are adjacent to one another and face the Main Green on Brown’s campus.
- The symposium will begin in the Salomon Center with a keynote address and research presentations from the recipients of the 2024 Postdoctoral Excellence Awards, followed by an awards ceremony. Light refreshments will be served during the check-in process and during a break between the keynote address and the start of research presentations.
- The symposium will culminate in a poster session and reception from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in Sayles Hall. The reception accompanying the poster session will include appetizers, wine and beer, and non-alcoholic beverages.

Getting to the Salomon Center and Sayles Hall
- Walking: Sayles Hall and the Salomon Center are adjacent to one another and face the Main Green on Brown’s campus.
- Driving and Parking: You may find parking in Lot 68 Upper, also called the Power Street Parking Garage, located at 111 Power Street. The garage entrance is located at the intersection of Power and Thayer Streets (view map). The garage has two gate arms which are left open. Please enter in the right lane and exit via the left lane. The Lot 68 Upper garage contains two pay stations, which are located at the front and rear of the garage. Please locate an empty parking space, purchase your visitor parking permit via a pay station, and place your receipt permit on your vehicle dashboard. It costs $3 per hour to park in the lot or $15 for the entire day until 6:00 p.m. The pay stations accept credit cards and U.S. bills. However, the pay stations do not supply change, so please use the exact amount of bills. Please allow plenty of time for parking, as the visitor lot is a few blocks from the Main Green. Additionally, you may find metered parking on the streets in and around campus. Metered parking costs 25 cents for every 12 minutes. Metered spaces allow for a maximum of 2-hour parking.
- Shuttle: The Brown Shuttle stops at the John Hay Library and the Rockefeller Library, which are located a short walk from the Main Green. Please check the shuttle route here.