Note: the AGILE researcher visits program ran from 2022-2024. There are no further opportunities at the moment.
The AGILE (AAPI in Geoscience: Inclusivity, Leadership, and Experience) Researcher Visit program is intended to develop partnerships between geoscience and geoscience-adjacent STEM departments at AAPI-serving institutions (broadly defined*) and geoscience research institutions. These partnerships are intended to broaden awareness of geoscience research, graduate programs and career possibilities among undergraduate students. The program will show AAPI students how their undergraduate STEM education is relevant for solving pressing problems in the Earth, environmental and planetary science fields. The researcher visits will highlight the success of AAPI-identifying geoscientists, advertise the AGILE Research Internship, demonstrate viable career path options in the geosciences, and provide an opportunity to discuss graduate school and the application process with undergraduates.
[*AAPI-serving MSIs (, institutions eligible for MSI grants, and institutions with large AAPI populations.]
We seek to develop partnerships with departments in geoscience and geoscience-adjacent STEM departments to participate in in-person (2022-2023 Academic Year) visits to classrooms and/or department seminars. Departments will be paired with a two person team from a research institution consisting of a senior and a junior scientist. Pairings will be based on geographic proximity of institutions and topical interests. We will draw on our network of AAPI-identifying collaborators and the AAPIiG community to recruit AGILE visiting researchers. Prior to the visit, the AGILE team, will meet with the host institution organizer to customize a pre-meeting template that will clarify goals, schedule, logistics and catering the needs and funds available.
In-person visits (1-2 days) could include aspects of the following activities: 1) classroom visit(s) discussing career pathways into science; 2) research seminar; 3) lunch panel discussion; 4) workshop on applying to graduate school programs; 5) opportunities for informal 1-on-1 or small group meetings. All expenses will be covered by AGILE.
If you are a department chair, faculty or administrator at an AAPI-serving institution, we encourage you to contact us directly using this Google Form. We are also actively contacting geoscience and geoscience-adjacent STEM departments at AAPI-serving MSIs (Minority Serving Institutions), and seeking to match those institutions with nearby institutions with our group of collaborators who have indicated a willingness enthusiasm to participate in the researcher visit program.
If you are an AAPI-identifying faculty member or research scientist in the Geosciences who would like to participate in the researcher visit program you can also contact us directly using this Google Form asking about your research interests and institutional details. Ideally, you would also be able to recruit a graduate student or postdoc from your research group or department that is also eager to participate. All expenses for travel and per diem will be covered by AGILE.
Additional information and a researcher visit guidance document is forthcoming! Please direct any questions about the researcher visit program to Daniel Ibarra.