Physical Activity
Our research in the area of physical activity (PA) has focused on developing PA interventions to help individuals increase PA and to improve mental health and substance use outcomes. We have conducted studies with individuals with depression, nicotine dependence, alcohol use disorder, and opioid use disorder. PA interventions have included structured aerobic exercise, lifestyle physical activity, peer-facilitated approaches, smartphone apps, and non-invasive brain stimulation.
Project MOVE
Principal Investigators
Ana Abrantes and Lisa Uebelacker
In this 3-arm RCT, we examined behavioral interventions to increase physical activity in people with depression. Participants were randomly assigned to receive: a) brief advice to exercise (BA; a minimal treatment control group); b) BA + Supervised and Home-based exercise (SHE) + health education; or c) BA + SHE + a cognitive-behavioral group intervention targeted toward increasing motivation and reducing barriers to exercise (CBEX). We hypothesized that participants assigned to BA + SHE + CBEX would engage in more physical activity over the 12 week intervention period and during a 6-month follow-up than participants in the other two arms.
Primary Outcome
Project HEART
Principal Investigator
Ana Abrantes
This Stage 2, large-scale RCT will enroll 214 women in treatment for alcohol use disorder with depression. Participants will be randomized to either a 12-week lifestyle physical activity+Fitbit program (LPA) or 12-week Fitbit-only program. Follow-up assessments will occur at week 6, end of treatment, 6-, 9-, and 12-month time points. Outcomes include alcohol abstinence/self-efficacy, coping, depressive symptoms, increases in physical activity, and cardiorespiratory fitness.
Project TREC
Principal Investigators
Ana Abrantes and Michael Stein
This RCT enrolled participants who are in methadone maintenance treatment at the Stanley Street Treatment and Resources (SSTAR) in Fall River, MA. Participants were assigned to one of the following conditions: (1.) Peer Physical Activity+Fitbit program – participants will attend a weekly, in-person or virtual group physical activity session and be given a Fitbit, (2.) Fitbit-Only program – participants will be given a Fitbit, or (3.) Usual Care (i.e., no group PA or Fitbit use). Follow-up assessments will be conducted at 3, 6, & 12-months to determine both the short- and long-term adherence to the interventions and physical activity engagement.
Project Fit&Sober
Principal Investigator
Ana Abrantes
This RCT enrolled individuals in early recovery from alcohol use disorder. Participants were randomly assigned to either receive the Fit&Sober Phone App or Brief Advice to Exercise counseling (i.e., no phone app). Follow-ups will occur at the 3- (end of intervention), 6-, 9-, and 12-month time points. Outcomes include moderate-vigorous intensity physical activity (PA), alcohol abstinence, depression/anxiety symptoms, and various PA-related mediating variables.

Principal Investigators
Jason Baker & Lisa Uebelacker
The purpose of this study is to test three different behavioral intervention components for increasing physical activity in older adults with HIV. We are testing three potential components: Physical Activity Coaching (PA-Coaching), a Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention designed to reduce barriers and increase rewards of physical activity (CB-PA), and online social support for physical activity (SS-PA). We plan to examine which combination of physical components is best for helping participants to increase their number of steps per day.