
In Press

*= equal contribution

McDermott-Hinman, A., Feiman, R. (in press). The development of negation in language and thought. Chapter in F. Blanchette & C. Lukyanenko (Eds.), Perspectives on negation: Views from across the language sciences. De Gruyter Mouton. preprint.


Brody, G., Feiman, R.*, Aravind, A.* (2024). Why do children think words are mutually exclusive? Psychological Science, 35(12), 1315-1324. preprint. publisher download. press.

McGrath, S.*, Russin, J.*, Pavlick, E., Feiman, R. (2024). How can deep neural networks inform theory in psychological science? Current Directions in Psychological Science, 33(5), 325-333. preprint. publisher download.

Brody, G., Feiman, R. (2024). Mapping words to the world: Adults, but not children, understand how mismatching descriptions refer. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 153(4), 1053-1065. preprint. publisher download.

Brody, G., Feiman, R. (2024). Polysemy does not exist, at least not in the relevant sense. Mind & Language, 39(2), 179-200. preprint. publisher download.

Brody, G., Mazalik, P., Feiman, R. (2024). Object files encode possible object identities, but not possible locations. Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. download.


Gomes, V., Doherty, R., Smits, D., Goldin-Meadow, S., Trueswell, J., Feiman, R. (2023). It‘s not just what we don‘t know: The mapping problem in the acquisition of negation. Cognitive Psychology, 145. 101592. preprint. publisher download.

Traylor, A., Feiman, R. Pavlick, E. (2023). Can neural networks learn implicit logic from physical reasoning? Proceedings of The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR). download.

Feiman, R. (2023). Conflict paradigms cannot reveal competence. [Peer commentary on “Advancing theorizing about fast-and-slow thinking” by W. De Neys]. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 46: e120. preprint. publisher download.

McGrath, S.*, Russin, J.*, Pavlick, E., Feiman, R. (2023). Properties of LoTs: The footprint or the bear itself? [Peer commentary on “The best game in town: The re-emergance of the Language of Thought Hypothesis across the cognitive sciences“ by J. Quilty-Dunn, Porot, N., & Mandelbaum, E.]. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 46.  preprint. publisher download.


Feiman, R., Mody, S., Carey, S. (2022). The development of reasoning by exclusion in infancy. Cognitive Psychology, 135, 101473. preprint. publisher download.

Schneider, R., Brockbank, E., Feiman, R., Barner, D. (2022). Counting and the ontogenetic origins of exact equality. Cognition, 218, 104952. preprint. publisher download.

Mandelbaum, E., Dunham, Y., Feiman, R., Firestone, C., Green, E.J., Harris, D.W., Kibbe, M.M., Kurdi, B., Mylopoulos, M., Shepherd, J., Wellwood, A., Porot, N., Quilty-Dunn, J. (2022). Problems and mysteries of the many languages of thought. Cognitive Science, 46(12): e13225. preprint. publisher download.

Brody, G., Feiman, R. (2022). Mapping words to the world: Adults prioritize grammar, but children prioritize descriptions. Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. download.


Meyer, M-C., & Feiman, R. (2021). Priming reveals similarities and differences between three purported cases of implicature: Some, number and free choice disjunctions. Journal of Memory and Language, 120(2021), 104206. preprint. publisher download.

Schneider, R., Feiman, R., Mendes, M., Barner, D. (2021). Pragmatic impacts on children’s understanding of exact equality. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 43. download.

Traylor, A., Pavlick, E., Feiman, R. (2021). Transferring Representations of Logical Connectives. Proceedings of the 1st and 2nd Workshops on Natural Logic Meets Machine Learning (NALOMA). download.

Traylor, A., Feiman, R., Pavlick, E. (2021). AND does not mean OR: Using Formal Languages to Study Language Models’ Representations. Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-IJCNLP). download.


Feiman, R., Maldonado, M., & Snedeker, J. (2020). Priming quantifier scope: Reexamining the evidence against scope inversion. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics5(1), 35. publisher download (open access).

Skordos, D., Feiman, R., Bale, A., & Barner, D. (2020). Do children interpret “or” conjunctively? Journal of Semantics, 37(2): 247-267. preprint. publisher download.


Feiman, R., Hartshorne, J. K., & Barner, D. (2019). Contrast and entailment: Abstract logical relations constrain how 2- and 3-year-old children interpret unknown numbers. Cognition, 183: 192-207. preprint. publisher download.


Reuter, T., Feiman, R., Snedeker, J. (2018). Getting to no: Pragmatic and semantic factors in two- and three-year- olds’ understanding of negation. Child Development, 89(4): e364-e381. pdf. publisher download.


Feiman, R., Mody, S., Sanborn, S., Carey, S. (2017). What do you mean, no? Toddlers’ comprehension of logical “no” and “not”. Language Learning and Development, 13(4): 430-450. pdf. publisher download.


Feiman, R., Snedeker, J. (2016). The logic in language: How all quantifiers are alike, but each quantifier is different. Cognitive Psychology, 87: 29-52. pdf. publisher download. supplement.


Feiman, R., Carey, S., & Cushman, F. (2015). Infants’ representations of others’ goals: Representing approach over avoidance. Cognition, 136: 204-214. pdf. publisher download.


Susskind, J.M., Lee, D., Cusi, A., Feiman, R., Grabski, W., & Anderson, A.K. (2008). Facing danger: Expressing fear enhances perception and action. Nature Neuroscience, 11: 843- 850. pdf. publisher download.