David Treleaven Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness
EPISODE 23: The Risks of Meditation
In this episode David speaks with Willoughby Britton and Jared Lindahl, co-authors of the Varieties of Contemplative Experience (VCE) study—a landmark investigation into the nature of meditation-related difficulties, including trauma. They are two of the world’s experts in studying the difficulties people can encounter in meditation, as well as the factors that contribute to these experiences.

Waking Up course: The Dark Side of Meditation
Sam Harris talks with Drs. Willoughby Britton and Jared Lindahl about meditation-induced changes in sense of self.
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by Shayla Love
November 19, 2018
Has Meditation Ever Freaked You Out?
with Jo Lauder ( meditation segment starts at 13:54)
July 10, 2018
Present Moment Mindfulness with Ted Meissner
Episode 107: Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness with David Treleaven
March 10, 2018
MindSpace Podcast with Dr. Joe Flanders:
Episode #2 – Mindfulness Growing Pains with Willoughby Britton and Jared Lindahl
March 12, 2018
Episode #79: Willoughby Britton, Jared Lindahl — Does Meditation Have a Dark Side?
May 23, 2017