Frequently Asked Questions
Get answers to the most frequently asked questions that we receive from participants!
What is the purpose of this study?
Brown University researchers are conducting a study examining messages about cannabis coming from various sources, including dispensaries, healthcare providers, the internet, social media platforms, friends, and family. We aim to characterize the types of messages participants hear and share with others about cannabis, including information about the benefits and risks of cannabis use and sources of this information (i.e., where and how you heard this).
How long is the study?
The study will take anywhere from 45-75 minutes of your time depending on your eligibility.
Do I have to attend in person?
No, you will not be required to come in person. This study will be completely remote via the Zoom videoconference application.
What am I expected to do as part of this study?
Participants will be asked to:
- Complete a web survey (~15 minutes)
- Complete an interview session via Zoom that can range anywhere from 30-60 minutes depending on eligibility. Zoom video and audio functions are required and you will need to keep your camera on for the duration of the session. We will ask you to have ID available (with name, photo, and date of birth) to show the staff member so that we can confirm your age and identity. We will not be able to conduct the session without this. If applicable, you may be asked to provide proof of employment (i.e., your employee badge).
You do not have to answer any questions that make you uncomfortable.
Will I be paid for participating?
Upon study completion, you will receive $40 compensation for your time in the form of an electronic Amazon gift card. Study completion includes completion of the interview session.
Who will see my responses?
Only members of the research team will have access to study data. Your participation status will not be shared outside of the CannTalk research team.
What precautions are you taking to keep my data confidential?
Participation in this study and information gathered from the study will be kept confidential. Your information will be used solely for research purposes. None of your personal identifying information (such as your name) will be stored with your responses. All of the questions you answer will be identified only by a study number. All research data will be stored on Brown University’s secure servers. We have a Certificate of Confidentiality from the National Institute on Drug Abuse to protect your confidentiality.