About the Study

About the Study

Brown University researchers are conducting a study examining messages about cannabis coming from various sources, including dispensaries/outlets, healthcare providers, the internet, social media platforms, friends, and family.

The study has two parts:

  • First, you will be asked to complete a brief web survey.
  • Second, you will participate in an interview session via Zoom videoconference.

You may be eligible to participate if you:

  • currently grow or use cannabis, or are a budtender;
  • Are at least 18 years old;
  • Are verbally fluent in English;
  • Have access to a smartphone, tablet, or computer with the Zoom videoconference app.

Eligible participants who complete the interview will receive $40 compensation for their time in the form of an electronic Amazon gift card. More information about compensation can be found in the FAQ section of the website.

Click HERE for the screener link.

If you want to copy/paste or share with others, you can use this shortened link: tinyurl.com/canntalk

Brown IRB Protocol: #2022003281