“To assess the damage is a dangerous act.” – Cherríe Moraga
“So it is better to speak / remembering / we were never meant to survive.” – Audre Lorde
Emerging from the conscious and generous lineage of women of color feminist ancestors, this workshop cultivates an intersectional space of conversation and making for women, femmes, trans, nonbinary, and gender non-conforming students of color. Grounded in their resistant “No,” together we take a necessary pause and turn toward the body to explore lived memory and communal fortitude through oral and visual storytelling exercises. Students are invited to share their personal experiences with and hopes for creative making practices that support whole, caring, and healing worlds. This workshop offering will be co-facilitated with Teresa Conchas ’22, Hercilia Corona (Assistant Director, Counseling and Psychological Services), Sage Morgan-Hubbard (Assistant Director, Brown Center for Students of Color), and Felicia Salinas-Moniz (Director, Sarah Doyle Center for Women and Gender).
- Sexual Assault Peer Education: Roots of Harm and Bystander Engagement (Wellness Building Multipurpose Room)
- We Too Are Brothers: Inclusive GBTQQs Men of Color Strategies that Support All Men of Color (Friedman 108)