Morning Meditation/Restoration Session (Kasper Multipurpose Room, Stephen Robert ‘62 Campus Center)

From the instructor: “This stretch & meditation session will hopefully provide participants with a sense of relaxation and calmness, a respite from everyday rush. In my practice, I hope to open up some of the room in our bodies & souls for love, room that might be currently taken up by anxiety, daily stress, or other sources of heaviness. Finding the ability to open up to joy through breath and movement is a powerful and ancestral act of resistance and a reclamation of rest that is especially important for folks of color and I aim to create a space to explore that.
I am by no means a certified yoga or meditation instructor, I am just a certified overall fitness instructor who is passionate about all forms of movement! This will be more of an intuitive stretch class, meaning that you should do what feels good for your body, and nothing more. Please take care of yourself, you know your body best.”