Octavia Estelle Butler, ancestor, guide, and muse
Libby and Craig Heimark
A thank you to the Heimark Artist in Residence program, which brings to campus musicians, poets, visual artists, and performers whose work grapples with the legacies of slavery on our world today.
Moya Bailey
Tracy K. Smith
The Huntington Library, Art Museum and Botanical Gardens
The Dimino Family
Queen Mother Iya Osunnike Anke
Yasmeen Grace Alston-Hanna
Xóchicoatl Bello
Cyprene Caines
Shay Collins
Teena Marie Johnson
Amina Deselle Massey
Renée Neely
Gina Mariela Rodriguez-Drix
Xiomara Mia Rodriguez-Drix
Poetry Editors
Rajiv Mohabir
Crystal Valentine
Center for the Study of Slavery & Justice
Anthony Bogues
Shana Weinberg
Maiyah Gamble-Rivers
Catherine Van Amburgh
Design and Installation
Erin Wells Design
Ben Kaplan