What can a radical practice of history look like? Unlearning Imperialism is a forum that brings together a range of interlocutors to consider the challenges of Ariella Azoulay’s Potential History/Unlearning Imperialism (Verso, 2019) for thinking about photography, archives, museums and the practice of history. The Decolonial Collective on the Migration of Objects and People is organized by Ariella Azoulay (MCM/Comparative Literature), Yannis Hamilakis (Archaeology/Classics) and Vazira Zamindar (History), with support from the Cogut Institute for the Humanities, Pembroke Center, Center for the Study of Slavery and Justice, Africana Studies, Middle East Studies, History, and Modern Culture and Media Studies.The forum will be followed by an open reception at 7pm, organized by MCM, and the Brown Bookstore will be selling copies of the book there as well.