A Herstory of Activism

Itching to learn more about the activism of womyn of color at Brown University since the 1960s? Look no further than A People’s Herstory of Womyn of Color at Brown, an archive created by spring 2014 students Sarah Day Dayon ’15, Kendra Cornejo ’15, Hector Peralta ’16, and Julmar Carcedo ’16. This rich archive includes eight interviews with…

From the Archives: El Trujillato

Women and Nationalism: El Trujillato. The title of this teaching resource, a final project from spring 2013 by Saudi Garcia, Madilynn Castillo, and Kate Blessing, understates the depth of the research behind the words on the screen. Though the site focuses on the impact of the 1930-1961 rule of Rafael Trujillo on women, it also explores various aspects of the history…