The following list of data set is intended as a resource to students in ENVS 0070G. The hyperlinks are checked before the start of every semester. Please reach out to the instructors if there is a broken link. The data set list made available to provide students with available climate data sets for their final projects.
If you are aware of other interesting data sets that should be added to this list or that which will be used in the final project, please email the instructors to vet the quality of the data set.
- Explore weather data from Mt. Everest at different elevations - All India Monthly Rainfall Data (1901-2012)
- Maya Lowlands Rainfall and Temperature Data set
- Smithsonian Institution Volcanic Eruption Data set
- 19th century Algerian Rainfall and Temperature Data set
- Australia Meteorology Data set
- Chinese Historical Climate Qing Dynasty Drought Series
- Jefferson Records
- Historical Shipping Logs
- Central England Temperature (1772 to present)