Alarid-Escudero F*, Sosa-Rubí SG, Fernandez B, Galárraga O. [Cost-benefit analysis: HIV/AIDS prevention in migrants in Central America]. Salud Pública de México 2013, 55 Suppl 1:S23-30.

Fulton BD, Galárraga O, Dow WH. Informing public policy toward binational health insurance: empirical evidence from California. Salud Pública de México 2013, 55 Suppl 4:S468-476.

Galárraga O, Genberg B*, Martin R, Barton Laws M, Wilson I. Conditional economic incentives to improve HIV treatment adherence: literature review & theoretical considerations. AIDS & Behavior 2013, 17(7):2283-2292.

Galárraga O, Wirtz VJ, Santa-Ana-Tellez Y*, Korenromp EL. Financing HIV programming: how much should low- and middle-income countries and their donors pay? PLoS ONE 2013, 8(7):e67565.

Operario D, Kuo C*, Sosa-Rubí SG, Galárraga O. Conditional economic incentives for reducing HIV risk behaviors: integration of psychology and behavioral economics. Health Psychology 2013, 32(9):932-940.

Vitek WS*, Galárraga O, Klatsky PC, Robins JC, Carson SA, Blazar AS. Management of the first in vitro fertilization cycle for unexplained infertility: a cost-effectiveness analysis of split in vitro fertilization-intracytoplasmic sperm injection. Fertility & Sterility 2013, 100(5):1381-1388.