Monteiro JF*, Marshall BD, Escudero D, Sosa-Rubí SG, Gonzalez A, Flanigan T, Operario D, Mayer KH, Lurie MN, Galárraga O. Preventing HIV Transmission Among Partners of HIV-Positive Male Sex Workers in Mexico City: A Modeling Study. AIDS & Behavior 2015, 19(9):1579-88.

Rivera-Hernandez M*, Galárraga O. Type of Insurance and Use of Preventive Health Services Among Older Adults in Mexico. Journal of Aging & Health 2015, 27(6):962-982.

Underhill K*, Morrow KM, Colleran C, Holcomb R, Calabrese SK, Operario D, Galárraga O, Mayer KH. A Qualitative Study of Medical Mistrust, Perceived Discrimination, and Risk Behavior Disclosure to Clinicians by U.S. Male Sex Workers and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men: Implications for Biomedical HIV Prevention. Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 2015, 92(4):667-686.

Zullo AR*, Dore D, Galárraga O. Development and validation of index to predict personal prescription drug importation by adults in the US. Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research 2015, 6(1):33-41.

Strohacker K*, Galárraga O, Emerson J, Fricchione SR, Lohse M, Williams DM. Impact of Small Monetary Incentives on Exercise in University Students. American Journal of Health Behavior 2015, 39 (6):779-86.

Zullo AR*, Caine K*, Galárraga O. The dollars and sense of economic incentives to modify HIV-related behaviors. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2015, 18:20724.