Gordon SH*, Sommers BD, Wilson IB, Galárraga O, Trivedi AN. Risk Factors for Early Disenrollment from Colorado’s Affordable Care Act Marketplace. Medical Care 2019 Jan; 57(1):49-53.
Maughan-Brown B*, Harrison A, Galárraga O, Kuo C, Smith P, Bekker LG, Lurie MN. Factors affecting linkage to HIV care and ART initiation following referral for ART by a mobile health clinic in South Africa: evidence from a multimethod study. Journal of Behavioral Medicine 2019 Oct;42(5):883-897.
Rivera-Hernández M*, Rahman M, Galárraga O. Preventive healthcare-seeking behavior among poor older adults in Mexico: the impact of Seguro Popular, 2000-2012. Salud Pública de México 2019 Ene-Feb;61(1):46-53.
Edeza A*, Galárraga O, Novak D, Mayer K, Rosenberger J, Mimiaga M, Biello K. The role of sexual risk behaviors on PrEP awareness and interest among men who have sex with men in Latin America. International Journal of STD & AIDS 2019 May;30(6):542-549.
Huang SJ*, Galárraga O, Smith KA, Fuimaono S, McGarvey ST. Cost-effectiveness analysis of a cluster-randomized, culturally tailored, community health worker home-visiting diabetes intervention versus standard care in American Samoa. Human Resources for Health 2019 Mar 5;17(1):17.
Barker DH, Enimil A, Galárraga O, Bosomtwe D, Mensah N, Thamotharan S, Henebeng E, Brown LK, Kwara A. InClinic Adolescent Peer-Group Support for Engagement in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Feasibility and Acceptability Trial. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care 2019 Jan-Dec; 18:2325958219835786.
Cole MB*, Galárraga O, Rahman M, Wilson IB. Trends in Comorbid Conditions among Medicaid Enrollees with HIV. Open Forum Infectious Diseases 2019 Mar 10;6(4):ofz124.
Osetinsky B*, Hontelez J, Lurie MN, McGarvey S, Bloomfield G, Pastakia S, Wamai RG, Bärnighausen T, de Vlas S, Galárraga O. Epidemiological and Health Systems Implications of Evolving HIV and Hypertension in South Africa and Kenya. Health Affairs 2019 Jul;38(7):1173-118.
Youn B*, Shireman TI, Lee Y, Galárraga O, Wilson IB. Trends in medication adherence in HIV patients in the US, 2001 to 2012: an observational cohort study. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2019 Aug;22(8):e25382.
Nadkarni S*, Genberg B, Galárraga O. Microfinance Interventions and HIV Treatment Outcomes: A Synthesizing Conceptual Framework and Systematic Review. AIDS & Behavior 2019 Sep;23(9):2238-2252.
Gordon SH*, Sommers BD, Wilson I, Galárraga O, Trivedi AN. The Impact of Medicaid Expansion on Continuous Enrollment: a Two-State Analysis. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2019 Sep;34(9):1919-1924.
Cole MB*, Galárraga O, Wilson IB. The Impact of Rhode Island’s Multipayer Patient-centered Medical Home Program on Utilization and Cost of Care. Medical Care 2019 Oct;57(10):801-808.
Galárraga O, Sosa-Rubí SG. Conditional economic incentives to improve HIV prevention and treatment in low- and middle-income countries. Lancet HIV 2019 Oct;6(10):e705-e714.
Chan PA, Goedel* WC, Nunn AS, Sowemimo-Coker G, Galárraga O, Prosperi M, Patel R, Mena L, Montgomery MC, Marshall BDL. Potential Impact of Interventions to Enhance Retention in Care During Real-World HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Implementation. AIDS Patient Care & STDs 2019 Oct;33(10):434-439.
Goedel WC*, Chan PA, King MRF, Prosperi MCF, Marshall BDL, Galárraga O. Cost-Effectiveness of a Statewide PreExposure Prophylaxis Program for Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men. RI Medical Journal 2019 Nov 1;102(9):36-39.
Osetinsky B*, Genberg BL, Bloomfield GS, Hogan J, Pastakia S, Sang E, Ngressa A, Mwangi A, Lurie MN, McGarvey ST, Galárraga O. Hypertension Control and Retention in Care Among HIV-Infected Patients: The Effects of Co-located HIV and Chronic Non-Communicable Disease Care. JAIDS 2019 Dec 1;82(4):399-406.