My goal is to teach students how to understand the experimental basis for concepts in biology with a focus on molecular/cell biology; previously I have also taught in the areas of genetics and developmental biology. My current courses are:
Bio 1050/2050 Biology of the Eukaryotic Cell
(advanced undergraduates and graduate students)
Bio 2030 Foundations for Advanced Study in the Life Sciences
(graduate students)
In both courses, my lectures give an overview of the subject and the assigned readings are from recent scientific publications to bring students to the cutting edge of the field. In addition, I present sessions in the IMSD module for beginning graduate students on How to Read a Scientific Paper. My courses are challenging but rewarding and well received by students.
I served as the Principal Investigator (PI) on a grant (6/1/11-8/31/14) for the Beckman Scholars Program of the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation. This grant was to train 6 top undergraduates (two per year) to do research co-supervised by a faculty member at Brown University and a faculty member at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA.
In addition to formal courses, I supervise several undergraduates each year in research in my lab, usually culminating in a Senior Honors Thesis, and many of them have been co-authors on the resulting publications. Moreover, several undergraduates from my lab have won awards at Brown University’s commencement for their research and academic achievements.
In 2009 I received the Brown University Elizabeth Leduc award for excellence in teaching in the life sciences.