
50 papers published, 119 interventions tested, but little consensus

In a new evidence review published today in Health Affairs, the IFL team finds that when researchers were testing the impact of COVID-19 misinformation interventions, they used significantly different examples of misinformation, assessed 47 different outcome measures, and only 18% of COVID-19 misinformation interventions measured public health outcomes, such as intent to vaccinate. 

IFL hosts “Data, Power & Pedagogy”

Data, Power & Pedagogy, a three-day workshop held for educators and researchers on September 27-29, made space to build teaching resources centered on data, surveillance, and targeted advertising. Most people do not understand how much of their data is collected...

IFL hosts panel on social media and data privacy

In 2018, the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal rocked our understanding of online privacy and data-driven politics. In the four years since the news broke, major privacy concerns have everywhere from COVID contact tracing to online educational platforms. Yet there...

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