Clinical Therapies Research Scientist, Nationwide Children’s Hospital
LHS Scholar, University of Pittsburgh, Center for Assistive Technology (UPMC – CAT)
Jamie Boster, PhD, CCC-SLP is a Clinical Therapies Research Scientist at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, OH. She is also adjunct faculty in the Speech and Hearing Department at The Ohio State University. Dr. Boster’s work focuses on improving the design of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems and developing participation interventions for children with complex communication needs and their peers.
During the LHS Scholars Program, Dr. Boster will be mentored by Dr. Janet Freburger and Dr. Katherine Hill in collaboration with University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Center for Assistive Technology (UPMC-CAT). Her project will focus on the development of a repository for individuals who use AAC to serve as a means to track patient-level and provider-level variables identified by key stakeholders that can be used to inform policies and practices for individuals with complex communication needs.