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Kelly Tanner, PhD, OTR/L, BCP

Clinical Therapies Research Scientist, Nationwide Children’s Hospital
LHS Scholar, Ivy Rehab Network

Kelly Tanner, PhD, OTR/L, BCP is a Clinical Therapies Research Scientist at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, OH. She is a member of the Nisonger Center Leadership Education for Neurodevelopmental and related Disabilities (LEND) Program Faculty and Associated Faculty in the department of Occupational Therapy at The Ohio State University. Dr. Tanner’s work focuses on implementing best practices for pediatric rehabilitation across the continuum of care. 

During the LHS Scholars Program, Dr. Tanner will be mentored by Dr. Christine McDonough PT, PhD (University of Pittsburgh) and will collaborate with IvyRehab Network. Her project will focus on systematically implementing patient-reported outcome measures using stakeholder-informed quality improvement methodology. Dr. Tanner will work with Ivy Rehab Network partners to explore the impact of rehabilitation services on pediatric patient populations while overcoming implementation barriers to integration of patient-reported outcome measures.