Selected Publications
Merrill, J.E., Wardell, J.D., & Read, J.P. (2009). Is expectancy reality? An examination of tension reduction beliefs on subjective mood following alcohol consumption. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 76, 434-444.
Merrill, J.E., & Read, J.P. (2010). Motivational pathways to unique types of alcohol consequences. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 24, 705-711.
Merrill, J.E., & Thomas, S.E. (2013). Interactions between adaptive coping and drinking to cope in predicting naturalistic drinking and drinking following a lab-based psychosocial stressor. Addictive Behaviors, 38, 1672-1678.
Merrill, J.E., Read, J.P., & Barnett, N.P. (2013). The way one thinks affects the way one drinks: Subjective evaluations of alcohol consequences as predictors of subsequent change in drinking behavior. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 27, 42-51. Merrill December 2021 6
Merrill, J.E., Vermont, L.N., Bachrach, R.L., & Read, J.P. (2013). Is the pre-game to blame? Event-level associations between pre-gaming and alcohol-related consequences. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 74, 757-64.
Merrill, J.E., Read, J.P., & Colder, C.R. (2013). Normative perceptions and past-year consequences as predictors of subjective evaluations and weekly drinking behavior. Addictive Behaviors, 38, 2625-2634.
Merrill, J.E., Wardell, J.D., & Read, J.P. (2014). Drinking motives in the prospective prediction of unique alcohol-related consequences in college students. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 75, 93-102. PMC3893636
Merrill, J.E., Carey, K.B., Reid, A.E., & Carey, M.P. (2014). Drinking reductions following alcohol-related sanctions are associated with social norms among college students. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 28, 553-558. PMC4032803
Merrill, J.E., Reid, A.E., Carey, M.P., & Carey, K.B. (2014). Gender and depression moderate response to brief motivational intervention for alcohol misuse among college students. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 82, 984-992. PMC4244268
Merrill, J.E., Carey, K.B, Lust, S.A., Kalichman, S.C., & Carey, M.P. (2014). Do students mandated to intervention for campus alcohol-related violations drink more than nonmandated students? Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 28, 1265-1270. PMC4274229
Read, J.P., Merrill, J.E., Griffin, M.J., Bachrach, R.L., & Khan, S.N. (2014). Post-traumatic stress symptoms and alcohol problems: Self-medication or trait vulnerability? The American Journal on Addictions, 23, 108-116.
Wray, T., Merrill, J.E., Monti. P. (2014). Using Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) to assess situation-level predictors of alcohol use and alcohol-related consequences. Alcohol Research: Current Reviews, 36, 19-27.
Merrill, J.E., Wardell, J.D., & Read, J.P. (2015). Is readiness to change drinking related to reductions in alcohol use and consequences? A week-to-week analysis. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 76, 790-798. Merrill December 2021 7
Reid, A. E., Carey, K. B., Merrill, J. E., & Carey, M.P. (2015). Social network influences on initiation and maintenance of reduced drinking among college students. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 83, 36-44. PMC4323619
Barnett, N.P., Merrill, J.E., Kahler, C., & Colby, S. (2015). Negative evaluations of negative alcohol consequences lead to subsequent reductions in alcohol use. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 29, 992-1002.
Merrill, J.E., & Carey, K.B. (2016). Drinking over the lifespan: Focus on college ages. Alcohol Research: Current Reviews, 38.
Merrill, J.E., Martin, S., Abar, C., & Jackson, K. M. (2016). Trajectories and correlates of reasons for abstaining or limiting drinking during adolescence. Addictive Behaviors, 52, 1-7.
Merrill, J.E., Kenney, S.R., & Carey, K.B. (2016). The effect of descriptive norms on pregaming frequency: Tests of five moderators. Substance Use and Misuse, 51, 1002-1012. PMC4967554
Merrill, J.E., Subbaraman, M.S., & Barnett, N.P. (2016). Contextual- and individual-level predictors of alcohol-related consequence aversiveness ratings among college student drinkers. Emerging Adulthood, 4, 248-257.
Merrill, J.E., Miller, M.B., Balestrieri, S., & Carey, K.B. (2016). Do my peers approve? Interest in injunctive norms feedback delivered online to college students. Addictive Behaviors, 58, 188-193.
Merrill, J.E., Lopez-Vergara, H.I., Barnett, N.P., & Jackson, K.M. (2016). Hypothetical evaluations of positive and negative alcohol consequences in adolescents across various levels of drinking experience. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 30, 811-818.
Merrill, J.E., Treloar, H., Fernandez, A., Monnig, M.A, Jackson, K.M., & Barnett, N.P. (2016). Latent growth classes for alcohol-related blackouts among college student drinkers. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 30, 827-837.
Merrill, J.E., Kenney, S.R., & Barnett, N.P. (2017). A time-varying effect model of the dynamic association between alcohol use and consequences over the first two years of college. Addictive Behaviors, 73, 57-62.
Carey, K. B., Merrill, J. E., Walsh, J. L., Lust, S. A., Kalichman, S. C., & Carey, M. P. (2018). Predictors of short-term change after a brief motivational intervention for mandated college drinkers. Addictive Behaviors, 77, 152-159.
Merrill, J.E., *Boyle, H.K., Barnett, N.P., & Carey, K.B. (2018). Delivering normative feedback to heavy drinking college students via text messaging: A pilot feasibility study. Addictive Behaviors, 83, 175-181. PMC5886840
Merrill, J.E., Rosen, R.K., *Walker, S., & Carey, K.B. (2018). A qualitative examination of contextual influences on negative alcohol consequence evaluations among young adult drinkers. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 32, 29-39.
Merrill, J.E., Rosen, R.K., *Boyle, H.K, & Carey, K.B. (2018). The influence of context in the subjective evaluation of “negative” alcohol-related consequences. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 32, 350-357.
Merrill, J.E., Miller, M.B., DiBello, A.M., *Singh, S., & Carey, K.B. (2019). How do college students subjectively evaluate “blackouts”? Addictive Behaviors, 89, 65-69.
Merrill, J.E., Boyle, H.K.*, Jackson, K.M., & Carey, K.B. (2019). Event-level correlates of drinking events characterized by alcohol induced blackouts. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 43, 2599-2606.
Lauher, M.*, Merrill, J.E., Boyle, H.K*, & Carey, K.B. (2020). The relationship between unplanned drinking and event-level drinking outcomes. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 34, 497-505.
Merrill, J.E., & Aston, E.R. (authors contributed equally) (2020). Alcohol demand assessed daily: Validity, variability, and the influence of drinking-related consequences. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 208, XX-XX. Merrill December 2021 11
Merrill, J.E., Fan, P.*, Wray, T.B., & Miranda, R., Jr. (2020). Assessment of alcohol use and consequences: Comparison of data collected via the timeline follow-back interview and daily reports. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 81, 212-219.
Merrill, J.E., Ward, R.M., & Riordan, B.C. (2020). Posting post-blackout: A qualitative examination of the positive and negative valence of tweets posted after “blackout” drinking. Journal of Health Communication, 25, 150-158.
Boyle, H.K.*, Merrill, J.E., & Carey, K.B. (2020). Location-specific social norms and personal approval of alcohol use are associated with drinking behaviors in college students. Substance Use & Misuse, 55, 1650-1659.
Stevens, A.K., Haikalis, M., & Merrill, J.E. (2021). Unplanned vs. planned drinking: Eventlevel influences of drinking motives and affect. Addictive Behaviors, 112, XX-XX.
Merrill, J.E., Fogle, S., Boyle, H.K.*, Barnett, N.P., & Carey, K.B. (2021). Piloting the Alcohol Feedback, Reflection, and Morning Evaluation (A-FRAME) Program : A Smartphone-delivered Alcohol Intervention. Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,
Carpenter, R. & Merrill, J.E. (authors contributed equally) (2021). How much and how fast: Alcohol consumption patterns, occasion-level affect, and next-day consequences in the daily life of underage heavy drinkers. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 218, XX-XX.
Stevens, A.K., Boyle, H.K. *, Miller, M.B., Carey, K.B., Jackson, K.M., Barnett, N.P., & Merrill, J.E. (in press). A qualitative examination of intentions and willingness for heavy drinking among young adult high-intensity drinkers. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors.
Boyle, H.K.*, Gunn, R.L., López, G.*, Fox, O.S.*, & Merrill, J.E. (2021). Qualitative examination of simultaneous alcohol and cannabis use reasons, evaluations, and patterns among heavy drinking young adults. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 35, 638–649.
Merrill, J.E., Carpenter, R.W., Boyle, H.K.*, Haikalis, M., Jackson, K.M., Miranda, R., Jr., Carey, K.B., & Piasecki, T.M. (2021). Do alcohol-related consequences and how they are evaluated predict consumption during and days until the next drinking event? Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 35, 587–596.
Merrill, J.E., Boyle, H.K.*, López, G.*, Miller, M.B., Barnett, N.P., Jackson, K.M., & Carey, K.B., (2021). Contextual factors associated with high intensity drinking events among young adults: A qualitative inquiry. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 45, 1317-1330.
Merrill, J.E., Boyle, H.K.*, López, G.*, Riordan, B.C., Ward, R.M., Rosen, R.K., & Carey, K.B. (in press). Recent alcohol-induced blackouts among heavy drinking college students: A qualitative examination of intentions, willingness, and social context. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology
Merrill, J.E., Stevens, A.K., Jackson, K.M., & White, H.R. (in press). Changes in cannabis consumption among college students during COVID-19. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.
Boyle, H.K.*, Merrill, J.E., & Carey, K.B. (in press). Examining changes in drinking motives and their influence on drinking behaviors among heavy drinkers during their first year of college. Addictive Behaviors.
Aston, E. R., Berey, B. L., Boyle, H.K.*, Riordan, B.C., & Merrill, J.E. (2021). Associations between alcohol demand and both the experience and subjective evaluation of positive and negative alcohol-related consequences. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 45,2357-2369.
Merrill, J.E., Gunn, R.L., Neary, A.*, Souza, T., & Barnett, N.P. (2022). Feasibility and acceptability of using a wrist-worn transdermal alcohol biosensor to collect data in the field. Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Nominated for best paper award in the Information Technology in Healthcare Track.
Merrill, J.E., Boyle, H.K.*, Stevens, A.K., Jackson, K.M., Miranda, R., Jr., & Carey, K.B. (in press). Real-time and next-morning correlates of subjective alcohol consequence evaluations. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors.
Merrill, J.E., López, G. *, Stevens, A.K., Singh, S., Laws, M.B., Mastroleo, N., Magill, M., Monti, P., & Kahler, C.W. (in press). Discussion of alcohol consequences during a brief motivational intervention session: Comparing those who do and do not increase readiness to change. Addiction Research & Theory.