Related to Aim 1: Degree training

  • Richard Ngari and Victor Omodi, Master’s level graduates from 2016-2018 returned to Kenya upon completing their degrees.  
  • Allan Kimaina completed his Master’s in Biostatistics in May, 2019. He returned to Kenya that summer and continued to finalize his research and write up his thesis while continuing to receive mentorship from Drs. Hogan and Mwangi. He was hired as a biostatistician with AMPATH in early 2020 and continue to work there.  
  • Evon Okidi completed a complete a Master’s in Data Science in 2020 at Brown. 
  • Ben Ronnie Mosong arrived on campus in August, 2019 to begin Master’s in Biostatistics. He successfully completed the program in the spring of 2021, despite the many challenges brought on by the COVID-19  pandemic. He returned to Kenya in late 2020 and was hired by AMAPTH as a biostatistician in 2021. 

Related to Aim 2: Facilitate revision and expansion of the biostatistics curriculum at Moi

In collaboration with Dr. Gregory Kerich, initiating the process of curriculum development for biostatistics and  introducing a course on Longitudinal Data Analysis at Moi began. Dr. Kerich was a faculty fellow who trained at Brown in 2016 for a semester was detailed in the 2017 progress report. 

Related to Aim 3: Continue an annual workshop on advanced biostatistical methods

In July 2019, an advanced training workshop focused on multilevel models and cluster-randomized trials was held at the Noble Conference Center, Eldoret, Kenya. 83 people were in attendance. 

In this cycle, three advanced training workshops were held, targeted at faculty and professional statisticians, data analysts, data scientists, and others who play key roles in the analysis of data at their place of work. In total, the workshops attracted 187 attendees from 8 different countries in sub-Saharan Africa.