Funding: Advanced Energy Consortium – Bureau of Economic Geology (AEC BEG)
Performers: Kurt Pennell (Brown), Linda Abriola (Tufts)
Personnel: Shuchi Liao
The goal of this project is to develop experimentally-validated mathematical models capable of simulating and predicting engineered nano-particle fate and transport in representative reservoir matrices.
Use Case Support:
This project supports Use Case 4 by providing:
- Experimental measurements of nano-capsule mobility and reactivity in porous media.
- Numerical models to simulate nano-capsule transport, chromium release, and viscosity alterations in multi-constituent porous media systems.
Related Publications:
- SimulationofMagneticNano-ParticleMobilityinaHeterogeneous-FlowCell
- DevelopmentandValidationofaTwo-StageKineticSorptionModelforPolymerandSurfactantTransportinPorousMedia