• A Century of Queer Korean Fiction. Edited, translated and introduced by Samuel Perry. New York, NY: Modern Language Association, 2023. 316 pp.

• 한국 퀴어 문학: 한 세기. Edited and introduced by Samuel Perry. New York: Modern Language Association, 2023. 290 pp.

• “Introduction: LGBTQ Fiction in Contemporary Korean Literature.” Special edition of Queer Korean Literature, Azalea: Journal of Korean Literature and Culture, vol. 15, 2022.

• “朝鮮戦争期のジェンダーと帝国主義の記述–––佐多稲子の場合” [Writing Gender and Imperialism during the Korean War: The Case of Sata Ineko.] Japanese translation by Osaki Harumi. In Iida Yūko, et. al. ed.『プロレタリア文学とジェンダー: 階級•ナラティブ•インターセクショナリテ』[Proletarian Literature and Gender: Class, Narrative and Intersectionality] Tokyo: Seikyūsha, 2022. 177-197.

• “Forms of Attachment: Ardent Female Intimacies in the 1920s.” In Heekyoung Cho, ed. Routledge Companion to Korean Literature. London and New York: Routledge, 2021. 473-487.

• “Early Narratives of the Korean War.” In Barak Kushner and Sherzod Muminov, eds., Overcoming Empire in Post-Imperial Asia: Repatriation, Redress and Rebuilding. London, UK: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019. 55-66.

“In Shinjuku,” (Shinjuku nite) by Yan Sogiru (Yang Sogil). Translated by Samuel Perry. In John Lie, ed. Zainichi Literature: Japanese Writings by Ethnic Koreans. Berkeley, CA: Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 2019. 55-67.

• Five Faces of Feminism: Crimson and Other Works by Sata Ineko. Translated and Introduced by Samuel Perry. Honolulu, HI: University of Hawai’i Press, 2014.

• From Wonso Pond: A Korean Novel by Kang Kyŏngae. Translated and Introduced by Samuel Perry. New York, NY. The Feminist Press, 2007. 360 pp.

• Recasting Red Culture in Proletarian Japan: Childhood, Korea and the Historical Avant-garde. Honolulu: The University of Hawai`i Press, 2014. 230 pp.

• Kobayashi Takiji, “Letter” (1931); Tokunaga Sunao, “Shawl” (1932); Yi Tong-gyu, “The Bulletin Board and Wall Fiction” (1932); Hosono Kōjirō, “A Farmer Among Farmers” (1932); Chang Hyŏk-chu, “Hell of the Starving” (1932). Translated by Samuel Perry. In Heather Bowen-Struyk and Norma Field, eds. Literature for Revolution: An Anthology of Japanese Proletarian Writings. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2017.

• “The Context and Contradictions of Kang Kyŏng-ae’s Novel In’gan munje.” Korean Studies 37 (2013), 99-123. DOI: 10.1353/ks.2013.0000

• “フェミニズムを赤で書く—姜敬愛の「人間問題」における文学的矛盾” [Feminism in Red—Contradictions in Kang Kyŏngae’s Human Problems]. In Ogino Fujio, ed. 多喜二の文学、世界へ: 2012 小樽 小林多喜二国際シンポジウム報告集 [Kobayashi Takiji’s Literature, Into the World: Collected Papers from the 2012 International Symposium on Kobayashi Takiji in Otaru.] Otaru, Japan: Otaru Shōka Daigaku Shuppankai, 2013. 14 pp.

“教室の社会関係—日本と植民地時代の朝鮮半島における革命的児童文學表象” [“Social Relations of the Classroom: Children’s Revolutionary Literature in Japan and Colonial Korea”]. Translated into Japanese by Shimamura Teru. In Iida Yūko, ed., 少女少年のポリチック[The Politics of Girlhood and Boyhood] (Tokyo: Seikyusha. 2009), 108-112.

“Korean as Proletarian: Ethnicity and Identity in Chang Hyŏk-chu’s ‘Hell of the Starving.’” positions: east asia cultures critique 14: 2. Duke University Press, 2006: 279-309. DOI: 10.1215/10679847-2006-003