Publications about Sciara
Papers about Sciara and other Sciarid relatives can be found via PubMed using as keywords “Sciara”, “Sciarid”, “Bradysia”, “Trichosia” and “Rhynchosciara”.
Bibliography of Literature Cited
Abbott AG and Gerbi SA (1981). Spermatogenesis in Sciara coprophila. II. Precocious chromosome orientation in meiosis II. Chromosoma 83: 19-27.
Bielinsky A-K and Gerbi SA (2001). Where it all starts: eukaryotic origins of DNA replication. J. Cell Science 114: 643-651.
Bozeman ML and Metz CW (1949). Further studies on sensitivity of chromosomes to irradiation at different meiotic stages in oocytes of Sciara. Genetics 34: 285-314.
Brunetti E (1912). The fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Diptera Nematocera (excluding Chironomodae and Culicidae). Calcutta and London: Thacker, Spink and Co., 581 pp.
Cannon GB (1964). Culture of insect salivary glands in a chemically defined medium. Science 146: 1063.
Cannon GB (1965). Puff development and DNA synthesis in Sciara salivary gland chromosomes in tissue culture. J. Cell. Comp. Physiol. 65: 163-182.
Chandra HS and Brown SW (1975). Chromosome imprinting and the mammalian X chromosome. Nature 253: 165-168.
Chandra HS and Nanjundiah (1990). The evolution of genomic imprinting. Dev. Suppl. (1990): 47-53.
Crouse HV (1949). The resistance of Sciara (Diptera) to the mutagenic effects of irradiation. Biol. Bull. 97: 311-314.
Crouse HV (1960a). The nature of the influence of X-translocations on sex of progeny in Sciara coprophila. Chromosoma 11: 146-166.
Crouse HV (1960b). The controlling element in sex chromosome behavior in Sciara. Genetics 45: 1429-1443.
Crouse HV (1977). X heterochromatin subdivision and cytogenetic analysis in Sciara coprophila (Diptera, Sciaridae). I. Centromere localization. Chromosoma 63: 39-55.
Crouse HV (1979) X heterochromatin subdivision and cytogenetic analysis in Sciara coprophila (Diptera, Sciaridae). Chromosoma 74: 219–239.
Crouse HV and Keyl H-G (1968). Extra replications in the “DNA puffs” of Sciara coprophila. Chromosoma 25: 357-364.
Crouse HV, Brown A and Mumford BC (1971). L-chromosome inheritance and the problem of chromosome “imprinting” in Sciara (Sciaridae, Diptera). Chromosoma 34: 324-339.
Crouse HV, Gerbi SA, Liang CM, Magnus L, Mercer IM (1977) Localization of ribosomal DNA within the proximal X heterochromatin of Sciara coprophila (Diptera, Sciaridae). Chromosoma 64: 305-318.
de Saint Phalle B and Sullivan W (1996). Incomplete sister chromatid separation is the mechanism of programmed chromosome elimination during early Sciara coprophila embryogenesis. Development 122: 3775-3784.
de Saint Phalle B and Sullivan W (1998). Spindle assembly and mitosis without centrosomes in parthenogenetic Sciara embryos. J. Cell Biol. 141: 1383-1391.
Diaz M, Pavan C and Basile R (1969) Effects of a virus and a microsporidian infections in chromosomes of various tissues of “Rhynchosciara angelae” (Nonato et Pavan, 1951). Rev Bras Biol 29: 191-206.
DuBois AM (1932). Elimination of chromosomes during cleavage in the eggs of Sciara (Diptera). Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 18: 352-356.
DuBois AM (1933). Chromosome behavior during cleavage in the eggs of Sciara coprophila (Diptera) in the relation to the problem of sex determination. Z. Wiss. Biol. Abt B – Z. Zellforsch. Mikrosk. Anat. 19: 595-614.
Gabrusewycz-Garcia N (1964). Cytological and autoradiographic studies in Sciara coprophila salivary gland chromosomes. Chromosoma 15: 312-344.
Gabrusewycz-Garcia N and Kleinfeld, RG (1964). A study of the nucleolar material in Sciara coprophila. Chromosoma 38: 237-254.
Gerbi SA (1971). Localization and characterization of rRNA cistrons in Sciara coprophila. J. Mol. Biol. 58: 499-511.
Gerbi SA (1986). Unusual chromosome movements in Sciarid flies. In Results and Problems in Cell Differentiation vol 13: Germ Line – Soma Differentiation (ed: W. Hennig). Berlin: Springer Verlag, pp. 71-104.
Gerbi SA (2007). Helen Crouse (1914-2006 – Imprinting and chromosome behavior. Genetics 175: 1-6.
Gerbi SA and Crouse HV (1976). Further studies on the ribosomal RNA cistrons of Sciara coprophila (Diptera). Genetics 83: 81-90.
Gerbi SA, Liang C, Wu N, DiBartolomeis SM, Bienz Tadmor B, Smith HS and Urnov FD (1993). DNA amplification in DNA puff II/9A of Sciara coprophila. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. 58: 487-494.
Gerbi SA, Strezoska Z and Waggener JM (2002). Initiation of DNA replication in multicellular eukaryotes. J. Struct. Biol. 140: 17-30.
Goday C and Esteban MR (2001). Chromosome elimination. Bioessays 23: 242-250.
Grzegorzek A (1885). Beitrag zur Dipteran-Fauna Galiziens, Kaiserthum Osterreich. Berlin Ent. Zeitschr. 29: 49-79 and 193-198.
Haig D. (1993). The evolution of unusual chromosomal systems in sciarid flies: intragenomic conflict and the sex ratio. J. Evol. Biol. 6: 249-261.
Hodson CN, Jaron KS, Gerbi S and Ross L (2021) Gene-rich germline-restricted chromosomes in black-winged fungus gnats evolved through hybridization. PLoS Biol 20(2):e3001559
Johannsen OA (1912). The Mycetophilidae of North America, part IV. Maine Agric. Exp. Stn. Bull. 200: 57-146.
Kjer KM et al. (2015) Response to comment on “Phylogenomics resolves the timing and pattern of insect evolution” Science 349: 487.
Kubai DF (1982). Meiosis in Sciara coprophila: Structure of the spindle and chromosome behavior during the first meiotic division. J. Cell Biol. 93: 655-669.
Maresca M, Lin V, Guo N and Yang Y (2013) Obligate Ligation-Gated Recombination (ObLiGaRe): custom-designed nuclease-mediated targeted integration through nonhomologous end joining. Genome Res. 23: 539–546.
Meigen JW (1803). Versuch einer neuen Gattungs Einheilung der europäischen zweiflügligen insekten. Mag. f. Insecktenk. 2: 259-281.
Metz CW (1925). Chromosome behavior in Sciara (Diptera). Anat. Rec. 31: 346-347.
Metz CW (1926). An apparent case of monocentric mitosis in Sciara (Diptera). Science 63: 190-191.
Metz CW (1930). A possible alternative to the hypothesis of selective fertilization in Sciara. Am. Nat. 64: 380-382.
Metz CW (1931). Unisexual progenies and sex determination in Sciara. Quart. Rev. Biol. 6: 306-312.
Metz CW (1934). Evidence that in Sciara the sperm regularly transmits two sister sex chromosomes. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 20: 31-36.
Metz CW (1938). Chromosome behavior, inheritance and sex determination in Sciara. Am. Nat. 72: 485-520.
Metz CW and Boche RD (1939). Observations on the mechanism of induced chromosome rearrangements in Sciara. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 25: 280-284.
Metz CW and Schmuck ML (1929). Unisexual progenies and the sex chromosome mechanism in Sciara. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 15: 863-866.
Metz CW and Schmuck ML (1931). Studies on sex determination and the sex chromosome mechanism in Sciara. Genetics 16: 225-253.
Metz CW, Moses MS and Hoppe EN (1926). Chromosome behavior and genetic behavior in Sciara (Diptera). I. Chromosome behavior in the spermatocyte divisions. Z. Indukt. Abstamm Verenbungsl. 42: 237-270.
Misof M et al (2014) Phylogenomics resolves the timing and pattern of insect evolution. Science 346: 763-767.
Pardue ML, Gerbi SA, Eckhardt RA and Gall JG (1970). Cytological localization of DNA complementary to ribosomal RNA in polytene chromosomes of diptera. Chromosoma 29: 268-290.
Pavan C and Basile R (1966) Chromosome changes Induced by infections in tissues of Rhynchosciara angelae. Science 151: 1556-1558.
Phillips DM (1967). Giant centriole formation in Sciara. J. Cell. Biol. 33: 73-92.
Rasch EM (1970a). Two-wavelength cytophotometry of Sciara salivary gland chromosomes. In Introduction to Quantitative Cytochemistry (eds. G.L. Wied and G.F. Bahr), New York: Academic Press, vol. 2, pp. 335-355.
Rasch EM (1970b). DNA cytophotometry of salivary gland nuclei and other tissue systems in dipteran larvae. In Introduction to Quantitative Cytochemistry (eds. G.L. Wied and G.F. Bahr), New York: Academic press, vol. 2, pp. 357-397.
Rasch EM (2006) Genome size and determination of DNA content of the X chromosomes, autosomes, and germ line-limited chromosomes of Sciara coprophila.J Morphol. 267:1316-1325.
Rieffel SM and Crouse HV (1966). The elimination and differentiation of chromosomes in the germ line of Sciara. Chromosoma 19: 231-276.
Roberts PA, Kimball RF and Pavan C (1967) Response of Rhynchosciara chromosomes to microsporidian infection. Increased polyteny and generalized puffing. Exp Cell Res 47: 408-422.
Ruiz MF, Alvarez M, Eirín-López JM, Sarno F, Kremer L, Barbero JL and Sánchez L (2015) An unusual role for doublesex in sex determination in the dipteran Sciara. Genetics 200: 1181-1199.
Schmuck ML (1934). The male somatic chromosome group in Sciara pauciseta. Biol. Bull. 66: 224-227.
Steffan WA (1966). A generic revision of the family Sciaridae (Diptera) of America North of Mexico. Univ. Calif. Publ. Entomol. 44: 1-77.
Tonnoir AL and Edwards FW (1927). New Zealand fungus gnats (Diptera: Mycetophilidae). Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 57: 747-878.
Trautwein MD et al. (2012) Advances in insect phylogeny at the dawn of the postgenomic era. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 57:449–468.
Urban JM, Foulk MS, Bliss JE, Coleman CM, Lu N, Mazloom R, Brown SJ, Spradling AC and Gerbi SA (2021) High contiguity de novo genome assembly and DNA modification analyses for the fungus fly, Sciara coprophila, using single-molecule sequencing. BMC Genomics 22: 643.
Wiedemann CRW (1821). Diptera exotica. Kilae, 244 pp.
Wiegmann BM, Yeates DK, Thorne JL and Kishino H (2003). Time flies, a new molecular time scale for brachyceran fly evolution without a clock. Systematic Biology 52: 745-756.
Wiegmann BM et al. (2011) Episodic radiations in the fly tree of life. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 108: 5690-5695.
Winnertz J (1867). Beitrag zu einer Monographie der Sciarinen. Zool. Bot. Gesellsch. Wien, 1867: 1-187.
Yamamoto Y, Bliss J and Gerbi SA (2015) Whole organism genome editing: targeted large DNA insertion via ObLiGaRe nonhomologous end-joining in vivo capture. G3 – Genes, Genomes and Genetics 5: 1843-1847.
Yeates DK and Wiegmann BM (1999). Congruence and controversy: toward a higher-level phylogeny of Diptera. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 44: 397-428.