Alexander Sokolovsky, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences
I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Behavioral and Social Sciences. I received my PhD in clinical psychology from the University of Illinois at Chicago (2017) and completed a postdoctoral training program at the Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies at Brown University (2019). My research interests predominantly focus on 1) the etiology and consequences of tobacco use and dependence; 2) the application of experience sampling methods (e.g., ecological momentary assessment or EMA) to better model antecedent processes and evaluate their influence on behavior; and 3) the translation of this knowledge into the development of preventative interventions and treatments for smoking cessation. I have recently continued to broaden the focus of my knowledge and research to focus on poly-substance use, especially the co-use of tobacco with marijuana and alcohol. My current program of research aims to examine the effectiveness of providing free ENDS to adult smokers with early- or late-onset asthma to reduce combustible cigarette use and dependence and assess the associated changes in lung function.