Award Presentation, Recorded Presentation, Virtual Event
Date: Tuesday, September 1st, 2020 Dr Stephanie Jones received the Biomag2020 Mid-Career Award for her work on biologically-principled mathematical and computational models of MEG/EEG. Click on the link below to view the recording of Dr. Jones' presentation. *Title:...
Recorded Presentation, Virtual Event
Title: Biophysically principled neural modeling of EEG to guide interpretation & design of non-invasive brain stimulation Date: May 19, 2020 Click here to view a recording of Dr. Jones' recent keynote presentation at the 6th Annual Brain Stimulation and Imaging...
Recorded Presentation, Virtual Event
Title: Hybrid brain models for personalization and optimization of tCS/tES: a journey across scales Date: April, 2020 Click here* to view a recording of Dr. Jones' recent presentation at the 2020 Allen Institute Modeling Workshop. *Note: Dr. Jones' presentation begins...