Welcome to our new TEAM300 study participants!
[[Recruitment is now closed]]
Teens : Watch this short info video about our study to see if you’re interested in participating, then click here to see if you’re eligible!
Parents : If your teen is eligible for the study and under 18, they will need your permission to participate -our brief info video will inform you of study details!
Our Purpose
To understand how alcohol content shows up in media that teens come across daily.
Our Goals
We are conducting a study to understand when, where, and how much teens are exposed to alcohol content in social media and entertainment media to develop programs that help teens become more resistant to messages promoting alcohol consumption.
Who is Team300?
A “team” of 300 high schoolers.
- Across the nation
- DO NOT need to be drinkers (or even have ever had a sip of alcohol)
- DO need to use social media and/or watch entertainment media (e.g., TV, movies)
General Overview
- Full study lasts ~8.5 months
- Zoom orientation session to learn study procedures
- Participants will download & install a secure smartphone app
- 3 data “bursts” of active involvement with breaks in between
- During each 21-day burst, participants will complete:
- 4+ daily reports (1-3 mins each)
- 3 weekly surveys (5-10 mins)
- 1 online survey (45 mins)
Follow Us! 

If you have any additional questions, email Team300@brown.edu or text (401) 863-9222.