Teen FAQ

What is this project about?

We are trying to understand when, where, and how much teenagers are exposed to alcohol content in the media. We ultimately hope to develop programs that help teens become more resistant to messages promoting the consumption of alcohol.

Who is in the study?

High schoolers (9th-12th grades) from the United States. Although the study examines alcohol content in the media, participants do not need to be drinkers or even to have ever had a sip of alcohol. They just need to use social media and/or watch entertainment media like TV and movies.

What do I have to do?

You would complete a set of surveys during three time periods (“bursts”) each lasting for 21 days. Participation during each burst includes: (1) completing an online survey; (2) completing three brief weekly surveys; and (3) completing daily survey reports several times a day using a smartphone app. Some participants will be invited to a voluntary group-based discussion at the end of the study to talk about their study experiences and opinions on alcohol content in the media.

How long does this study take?

You would be in the study for 8.5 months. Each study burst starts 4 months after the previous one, so there are break periods in between. The 3 online surveys (baseline plus two follow-ups) will each take approximately 45 minutes to complete. The first survey will be completed after orientation, and the two additional surveys will be given 4 and 8 months later. Daily reports will take a few minutes each; the daily reports will occur several times a day. You will also take a brief weekly survey (3 times per burst) which will take about 5-10 minutes.

How will I keep track of the information provided?

Your involvement will begin with an orientation session via Zoom where we will explain everything to you and give you the opportunity to ask lots of questions. We will also give you an instruction guide to keep and the information will be available for participants on the project website. Study staff will also be available to help you with important reminders and will stay in contact as you go through the parts of the study.

What are you asking me about?

We are going to ask you lots of questions about your use of media, both social and entertainment. We will ask about school, life stress, personality, sleep, what you do in your free time, and relationships with friends and parents. We will ask you about experiences with alcohol and other drugs (if any). You do not have to answer any questions you don’t want to.

How will you ask these questions?

Questions will be asked via web-based surveys that can be done on a computer, tablet, or phone as well as via surveys filled out on a smartphone app. You will need to download this study app to your phone before your daily survey reports start.

Are you asking me to look for alcohol content in the media?

No. We will ask you to record details about alcohol images or references when you come across it as you go about your normal day. We are not asking you to look for pictures or references to alcohol. In fact, this study is not intended to change your behaviors at all, we are only asking you to record what you are already seeing while using media.

Are you asking me share anything on my phone or in my social media accounts?

No. We are not interested in your phone data or your accounts. We just want to know what you come across when you are using media.

Will my parents or school find out anything about me or my information?

No. It is very important to us that your information be confidential. We will never share your information with your parents or other family members, friends or classmates, or school, or any other adults in your life (employer, coaches, etc.). The only exceptions are if you report that you intend to harm yourself or anybody else or if you report drinking so much that it could be dangerous, in which case we have to tell your parents.

Are there any risks to participating?

The main risk is loss of privacy if other people see your information. You should be sure to use a password to protect your phone and other devices and exit out of the survey when you are done. Encryption, firewalls, and other security measures will protect the data and prevent unauthorized access. You will not be named in any reports that result from this study. All information will remain confidential and we will use an identification number rather than your name. All Zoom sessions are confidential. Only persons with a unique invitation can participate.

We have obtained a Certificate of Confidentiality from the National Institutes of Health which lets the researchers legally refuse to disclose information that may identify you in any federal, state, or local civil, criminal, administrative, legislative, or other proceedings. The consent/assent documents provide additional information about how this Certificate of Confidentiality works.

What if I come across images of people I know who are drinking alcohol? Can I still share those images with the researchers?

You should delete any screenshots, photos, or videos that have identifying information (e.g., images of your friends on social media) immediately after uploading the content to the app. We will also teach you how to crop or cross out someone’s username or facial image before you upload it to the study app.

What if I want to stop?

You can change your mind and stop at any time. If you leave the study, no current or future relationship with Brown University will be affected.

Will I be paid?

Yes. You will be paid for each portion of the study you complete. You will also have the opportunity to receive bonuses. You can earn up to $555 for completing the study. If selected for a separate group discussion, you could earn an additional $40 for participating. Compensation will be paid out in Amazon electronic gift cards (sent via email). Click here to see a breakdown of the payment.

Who can I talk to if I have questions about this study?

If you have any questions about your participation in this study, you can call Cassandra Delapaix at 401-863-6682 or email cassandra_tardif@brown.edu or Kristina Jackson at 401-863- 6617 or email Kristina_Jackson@brown.edu. If you have questions about your rights as a participant you can contact Brown University’s Human Research Protection Program at 401- 863-3050 or email them at IRB@Brown.edu.