Resources on


Find transcripts and images

of the Constitution and amendments at the National Archives Amendments 11-27

Search the Brown University Library

for resources and materials related to suffrage.

The Constitution and the 19th amendment

Information on the 19th Amendment to the Constitution can be found at

Search Rhode Island special collections

for resources on suffrage.

Rhode Island-focused website

Students in a Brown University American Studies course have collaborated with Providence’s Lippitt House Museum to create a new website, “Suffrage in Rhode Island: A Lippitt Family Perspective.”

Rhode Island Events

Shall Not Be Denied

A partnership initiative of the Rhode Island Department of State and the Rhode Island Council for the Humanities lists statewide events engaging suffrage and has an educational resources section to help you find out more.

Organizations and Institutions

Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment nationwide

Rightfully Hers: American Women and the Vote The National Archives’ exhibition

2020 Women’s Vote Centennial Initiative

19th & Counting Gonzaga University series

The Long 19th Amendment Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard

Vision 2020: Women 100 Celebrating American Women

A Centennial Celebration hosted by Freedom’s Way National Heritage Area, Devens, MA

Greater Boston Women’s Vote Centennial The City of Boston Mayor’s Office of Women’s Advancment

“Shall Not Be Denied: Women Fight for the Vote” The Library of Congress

Hard Won. Not Done. The Iowa 19th Amendment Centennial Commemoration Project