This week’s item was published by the American Nazi Party. The American Nazi Party was founded by George Lincoln Rockwell (who attended Brown) in 1959 under the name “The World Union of Free Enterprise National Socialists.” Later the organization was also named National Socialist White People’s Party. Although “socialism” and “Nazi” were used in different version’s of the group’s name, it is primarily a racist group and not an economic platform. Rockwell ran the organization until his assassination in 1967 by John Patler a former member of the American Nazi Party. [1] Matt Koehl became the leader of the organization after Rockwell’s death which caused splintering in the organization and spawned new organizations like the National Socialist Party of America, the White Party of America and the National White Peoples Party.[2]

The ANP was never a large organization and at its peak in the late 1960s, it is estimated to have had 100 active members and maybe another few hundred subscribing to it’s publications The Stormtrooper and the Rockwell Report. [3]

In the item below is a leaflet in which the American Nazi Party protest being added to the  Attorney General’s List of Subversive Organizations, by then Attorney General, Robert Kennedy.  Kennedy chose not to add them to the list.

For more info there is a video interview with Rockwell (keep in mind it is very offensive):


American Nazi Party Pamphlet 1969 Page 1

American Nazi Party Pamphlet 1969 Page 2


[2] George, John and Laird Wilcox “Nazis, Communists, Klansmen, and Others on the Fringe” Prometheus Books (1992) pp.354-363

[3] George, John and Laird Wilcox “Nazis, Communists, Klansmen, and Others on the Fringe” Prometheus Books (1992) pp.354-363