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The above images are covers from the left wing magazine Radical America. Also included is a picture of copies of Radical America as it is stored in the Hall Hoag Collection. Radical America is a publication from Paul Buhle and Mari Jo Buhle who were members of Students for a Democratic Society. RA was published out of Somerville, Massachusetts and “focused on topical issues of concern to the left and society at large, such as women’s liberation, working class radicalism and busing.”[1] The magazine ceased publication in 1999. Paul Buhle has been a professor at Brown University since 1995.

Full copies of Radical America can be read through Brown University Library Center for Digital Scholarship project on Radical America.

One of the images including in this post is the cover of the issue Alternative Education Project, Aug. 1970.” Click this link for full access to this text.

The digital copies are currently being migrated to the Brown Digital Repository.


[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radical_America