Voo Doo is a humor publication written by students at MIT. Voo Doo was started in 1919 and is typically published once a term. [1] The most recent version of Voo Doo was published in the Spring of 2014 although the future of the paper is a bit uncertain. [2] There is a full archive of Voo Doo online as well as full scanned versions of the publications that I have shared below. [3]

The Hall Hoag collection contains a lot of material published by students of universities as universities became hotbeds for activism in the 1950s, 60s and 70s. What is interesting about Voo Doo  (at least in the 70s) is that although it does have humorous sections a lot of the topics covered are similar to what you might see in other student run papers at the time, including divestment in South Africa without taking much of a humorous take on the issues.

Voo Doo (Oct. 12, 1972)

Voo Doo (Oct. 12, 1972)

Voo Doo Back Page (Oct. 12, 1972)

Voo Doo Back Page (Oct. 12, 1972)

[1] http://wiki.mitadmissions.org/Voo_Doo_Magazine

[2] http://web.mit.edu/voodoo/www/news.html

[3] http://web.mit.edu/voodoo/www/news.html