Ka Huliau or “The Turning Point” was a left leaning, underground, independent newspaper printed by Hawaii Education for Social Progress, Inc..[1][2] Published in the 1980s (presumably from 1982-1986) Ka Huliau self-identified as “An independent newspaper focusing on Hawaii and Pacific issues.” These issues included labor strikes, nuclear proliferation, socialism and others primarily in the context of their effect on Hawaiians and other Islanders. The inclusion of Ku Huliau in the collections illustrates (as have some previous posts) that Gordon Hall collected items that really span the entire country. Admittedly items from Hawaii are fairly sparse. There are only a few copies of Ka Huliau in the Hall Hoag collection and I have included the covers of two of them from 1983.
[1] http://vufind.carli.illinois.edu/vf-uiu/Record/uiu_4306676
[2] http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94023109/