Overthrow was a publication associated with the Yippie movement founded by Dana Beal.  The paper, originally called The Yipster Times was started in 1972  and became known as Overthrow in 1979.

The Yippies or  the Youth International Party was founded in 1967 and commonly used street theatre and pranks to make political statements. Somewhat related to the anti-war movement of the 1960s the Yippies were a counterculture group known to buck the establishment and focused on issues ranging from free speech, drug legalization, and the creation of counterculture cooperatives.

Dana Beal is best known for his efforts to legalize marijuana. He is currently incarcerated on drug related charges in Nebraska although he should be released sometime this month.


Over Throw Cover (1981)

Over Throw Cover (1981)

Over Throw Back Cover (1981)

Over Throw Back Cover (1981)