Category: Collection Highlights (Page 3 of 11)

It Ain’t Me Babe

In Ain’t Me Babe was a radical feminist newspaper started by the Berkeley Women’s Liberation in the Berkeley, California in 1970.[1] Trina Robbins who wrote an underground comic with the same name was also involved with the newspaper.[2] This is one of many small organizations and publications that made up the larger women’s liberation movement that was beginning at the time. Indeed, the publication saw itself as part of this wider movement stating: “We must keep in mind that we are a movement not an organization. Our movement can and will be composed of many action organizations differentiated by their political orientation — rather than a single organization that attempts to represent everyone’s politics.”[3][4]

Papers like It Ain’t Me Babe were created to give voices to women who felt stifled by the larger mail dominated new left publications.[5]

It Ain't Me Babe Decemember 1970

It Ain’t Me Babe (December 1970)

It Ain't Me Babe (December 1970 Back Cover)

It Ain’t Me Babe (December 1970 Back Cover)




[4] “The Women’s Movement,” It Ain’t Me, Babe, March 15, 1970, p. 2.


Noah Fredericks

Continuing with the A/V material, this weeks item is an audio cassette tape created by Noah Fredericks as part of his Pilgrim Ships series. Although it is hard to find much biographical information about Fredericks online, the general concept of the Pilgrim Ships series is that people from the Old Testament are actually aliens who descended to Earth.[1]

You can listen to the audio of the first tape of the series by clicking the image below:

Tape One Pilgrim Ships Series - Noah Fredericks

Tape One Pilgrim Ships Series – Noah Fredericks


Inspiration Books East, Inc.

Inspiration Books East, Inc. or IBE, Inc. was founded in 1980 out of Jemison, Alabama. IBE is an independent (meaning that it is not affiliated with a particular church or sect) Christian publication that covers a range of topics from religious conspiracies, the coming apocalypse, angels and self-help.

It is hard to find much information online but according to IBE’s website:

“For more than 25 years, IBE has been publishing the “Good News” of Jesus Christ, with special emphasis upon “the sure word of prophecy” foretelling the soon return of Christ to Earth as “King of kings” according to the promise of Scripture.”[1]

The images below come from a 1980s pamphlet about the New World Order, a conspiracy theory revolving around a small group of elites running the world.[2] Full text can be found here.

IBE Cover

IBE Cover

IBE Back Cover

IBE Back Cover



Political Affairs

Political Affairs was started in 1944 by the Communist Party USA, in New York, New York as a replacement for the publication The Communist. Political Affairs was theoretical publication mostly intended for members of the Communist Party providing “Marxist perspectives on many contemporary issues.”[1] Founded in 1919, The Communist Party, USA is the largest communist party in the United States having about 2,000 members currently, but nearly 200,000 at its peak.[2]

Political Affairs (April 1984)

Political Affairs (April 1984)

Political Affairs (December 1985)

Political Affairs (December 1985)



In These Times

In These Times was first started in 1976 by James Weinstein in Chicago, Illinois as a biweekly newspaper. Published by the Institute For Public Affairs, In These Times is now a magazine. [1] According to their website Weinstein started the left-wing progressive publication to “identify and clarify the struggles against corporate power now multiplying in American society.”[2] Over the years some well known people have contributed to the publication including: Garrison Keillor, Noam Chomsky and Kurt Vonnegut. In These Times “regularly reports on environmental issuesfeminismgrassroots democracyminority communities, progressive ideals and the media.”[3]

The issue shown below includes coverage of the National Women’s Conference held in Houston, Texas in 1977.

In These Times (December 1977)

In These Times (December 1977)

In These Times (December 1977)

In These Times (December 1977)




Don Bell Report Time For Truth Press

Methods of Survival If the Red Terror Should Strike or the Don Bell Report was published weekly started in the early 1950s by Time For Truth Press, an anti-communist publication established by Don Bell, Upton Close and George Deatherage.

Don Bell was a reporter and radio broadcaster working from the 1920s through the 1940s primarily in Asia. While working from the Philippines, Bell was interred after a Japanese invasion of the island and was thought to be dead.[1] After returning to the United States in the 1940s Bell had the following things to say:

“We were shocked, but we held our peace at the time. There was a war to finish and then, having settled permanently in the United States, we would study, and speak out against the forces that were destroying our country.”[2]

This lead to his publication of the Don Bell report, which he continued through the 1970s. The publication is primarily concerned about left wing policies within the United States, global communism and survival information for a nuclear war. The images below come from a book that contains all of the Don Bell Reports from 1955 and 1956.


Don Bell Report 1955-1956 Cover

Don Bell Report 1955-1956 Cover


Don Bell Report January 28, 1955

Don Bell Report January 28, 1955


Don Bell Report January 28, 1955 Insert

Don Bell Report January 28, 1955 Insert



This Magazine Is About Schools

This Magazine Is About Schools, is an alternative journal founded in Toronto, Canada in 1966. In 1973 the magazine changed its name to simple “This Magazine.” The left-wing progressive magazine is published bimonthly originally with a focus on education but since expanding to cover culture, arts and politics.

This Magazine Is About Schools Spring 1971 (cover)

This Magazine Is About Schools Spring 1971 (cover)


This Magazine Is About Schools Spring 1971 (Article)

This Magazine Is About Schools Spring 1971 (Article)

This Magazine is still published today:



Jane Addams Peace Association

The Jane Addams Peace Association was founded in 1948 to promote world peace. Since its founding the JAPA has primarily worked to provide peace educational resources to children and has given an annual children’s book award since the 1950s. The item below is a teacher resource published in 1972. It includes lesson plans for teachers to promote peace in their students. For example the objective of the lesson below is to show “ways in which an individual can participate in the quest for peace.” Although not a political organization the item from the JAPA below is an artifact of the Peace Movements and Women’s Movements that really took off in the 1970s in the Wake of Vietnam.

Jane Addams Peace Association 1 (1972)

Jane Addams Peace Association 1 (1972)


Jane Addams Peace Association 2 (1972)

Jane Addams Peace Association 2 (1972)

Jesus To The Communist World

Jesus To The Communist World, also known as the “Voice of the Martyrs” was created in 1967 a Romanian Christian minister named Richard Wurmbrand. Wurmbrand born in 1909 in Romanian was anti-communist believing that Christianity and Communist were incompatible.[1] While in Romanian he was imprisoned and tortured for his beliefs multiple times after the USSR took control of Romanian in 1944. In the late 1940s he was imprisoned for 8 and a half years and then again in 1959 he was sentenced to 25 years in prison.[2] He was released from prison for the last time in 1964 for $10,000 leaving Romanian and eventually moving to the United States in 1966. Wurmbrand started to the Voice of the Martyr publication to expose the persecution of Christians around the world especially in Communist and Muslim countries. Wurmbrand died in 2001 in California.

Jesus To The Communist World 1 (1980s)

Jesus To The Communist World 1 (1980s)


Jesus To The Communist World 2 (1980s)

Jesus To The Communist World 2 (1980s)


Jesus To The Communist World 3 (1980s)

Jesus To The Communist World 3 (1980s)




John Patler

John Patler was born John C. Patsalos in 1938 in New York.  Patler became a member of the American Nazi Party after he was dishonorably discharged from the Marines after attending a Pro-Nazi rally.[1] Patler served as the editor of the ANP magazine “Stromtrooper” and was moving up in the ranks until he was kicked out of the group after a disagreement with ANP founder and leader George Lincoln Rockwell. Several months later in 1967 Patler assassinated Rockwell and was sentenced to 20 years in prison. Patler was released from prison in 1975, changed his name back to Patsalos and moved to New York. [2]

John Patler (Mid-1960s)

John Patler (Left) (Mid-1960s)



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