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Black Liberation Journal

This weeks post contains two issues of the Black Liberation Journal from 1983 and 1984. The issues cover affirmative action and the presidential election of 1984. The Black Liberation Journal was affiliated with the Communist Party USA and had Charlene Mitchell on its editorial board who ran for president in 1968 on the Communist Party ticket. It is hard to find much information about the journal but it seems to have run from the late 1970s through the 1980s. Topics include the struggle for equality, workers rights and unions, voting, politics, socialism and communism.

Black Liberation Journal (1983)

Black Liberation Journal (1983)


Black Liberation Journal (1984)

Black Liberation Journal (1984)

Final Phase of Processing

2014-07-17 15.02.52

We have started our final phase of processing in which the collection is being put in perfect alphabetical order (which could take until the middle of next summer to complete). Almost 2 years ago when we started processing the materials were housed in boxes, but there was no order throughout the collection. In the previous phase we removed the material from those boxes and put it in boxes based on the letter of the alphabet for the name of that organization. So all of the material from an organization that started with “A” was placed in an A box.

2014-07-17 15.03.08

In this step we taking the collection one letter at a time and putting it into perfect alphabetical order. To do this, the contents of each box must be removed and stacked on carts or tables. Then separated into sections based on the first few letters of the organization name. The next step is to put the material in perfect order and then back into the boxes. Finally once the materials are rehoused the inventory for the collection must be updated to show the new box numbers for the folders. As a reference point, there are slight under 8,000 folders that all start with the letter B.

2014-07-17 15.03.49

The totals for each letter of the alphabet are as follows: A-102, B-58, C-165 (!!!!), D-28, E-19 ,F-48, G-31, H-31, I-35, J-24, K-13, L-49, M-65, N-107, O-17, P-65 ,Q-1, R-41, S-70, T-26, U-56, V-14, W-59. X-1, Y-8 and Z-1

In addition there are 2 boxes that start with numbers, 21 audiovisual, 96 books, 54 clippings, 10 index cards, 107 correspondence, 12 photographs, 29 unidentified, and 38 oversized material boxes.

2014-07-17 15.04.51

Dianetics Testing Center

Dianetics 1

The above image was printed by the Dianetics Testing Center. Enclosed is a personality test, which would be filled out and sent to the center. The pamphlet presents itself as a scientific test to determine your personality and areas in which you could use improvement.

“Dianetics is a set of ideas and practices regarding the metaphysical relationship between the mind and body which was created by L. Ron Hubbard and is practiced by followers of Scientology and separate independent Dianeticist groups.”[1]

Personality tests continue to be commonly used as a means of recruitment by Scientologists. The idea is that you would fill out the test and then receive scientific data describing your personality and then by becoming a Scientologist you would be helped on the path the self-improvement. Although it is hard to tell from this printing, I believe this test is from the 1980s.

Dianetics 2


Christian Nationalist Crusade

The item for this week is a 1948 reprinting of a treatise by Martin Luther titled The Jews and Their Lies originally written in 1543 and published by The Christian Nationalist Crusade. [1]

The Christian Nationalist Crusade was an anti-Semitic and pro-segregation organization that was founded by Gerlad L.K. Smith in St. Louis, Missouri in 1942 and disbanded in 1977 having moved to Glendale, California.[2]  Smith’s political life started during the Great Depression as part of the Share Our Wealth movement and later he began to move this into the realm of white supremacy. Smith also joined various pro-Nazi groups during and after WWII.[3] The repurposing of historical texts is not uncommon in many extremist organizations, especially religious based groups.  In Luther’s original text, which is said to have had a major influence on Nazi dogma he proposes seven actions Christians can take against Jews:

  1. to avoid Jewish synagogues and schools and warn people against them;
  2. to refuse to let Jews own houses among Christians;
  3. for Jewish religious writings to be taken away;
  4. for rabbis to be forbidden to preach;
  5. to not offer protection for Jews on highways;
  6. for usury to be prohibited, and for all silver and gold to be removed, put aside for safekeeping and given back to Jews who truly convert; and
  7. to give young, strong Jews flail, axe, spade, spindle, and let them earn their bread in the sweat of their noses
Christian Nationalist Crusade (1948)

Christian Nationalist Crusade (1948)






Union of Concerned Scientists

The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) was founded by students and faculty at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1969[1] and still exists today. The group has primarily focused on environmental and nuclear energy issues. In its founding document the UCS states that it intends:[2]

1. To initiate a critical and continuing examination of governmental policy in areas where science and technology are of actual or potential significance.
2. To devise means for turning research applications away from the present emphasis on military technology toward the solution of pressing environmental and social problems.
3. To convey to our students the hope that they will devote themselves to bringing the benefits of science and technology to mankind and to ask them to scrutinize the issues raised here before participating in the construction of destructive weapons systems.
4. To express our determined opposition to ill-advised and hazardous projects such as the ABM system, the enlargement of our nuclear arsenal, and the development of chemical and biological weapons.
5. To explore the feasibility of organizing scientists and engineers so that their desire for a more humane and civilized world can be translated into effective political action.

In the pamphlet shared in this post outlines the environmental and health risks that plutonium (used in power plants and atomic bombs) can cause if it is left unmonitored. It is hard to determine when this was published but they mention plutonium being a “recent” element (it was discovered in 1940). My guess is that this was printed in the 1950s or 1960s.

Union of Concerned Scientists

Union of Concerned Scientists




Many Faces of Gordon Hall (1960s)

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2014-06-19 11.14.51

2014-06-19 11.15.07

2014-06-19 11.15.32

2014-06-19 11.15.43

2014-06-19 11.15.52

MERIP Reports

MERIP Reports or The Middle East Research and Information Project was founded as a non-profit in 1971 to cover various conflicts in the Middle East.  The paper was started by student activists in the U.S. including Joe Stork, a member of The Human Rights Watch who has been criticized by some for anti-Israel rhetoric.[1]

MERIP reports still exists today:

MERIP Report Cover (1982)

MERIP Report Cover (1982)


MERIP Report Back Cover (1982)

MERIP Report Back Cover (1982)




Summer Processing

We have started our summer processing work again! This summer 14 students will be helping me refile and organize the collection.  We will be working out of the Library Collections Annex and should be able to process over 1000 boxes this summer. The goal of the summer is to collate all of the folders containing items from the same organizations. The current boxes we have are in the order that the items were shipped to Brown. We will be working to take the items out of the original boxes and place them in boxes labeled with letters of the alphabet. We will also have to update our inventories because all of the material is moving to different boxes. As a group we should be able to refile 25-30 boxes each day. 


2014-06-10 13.38.16

2014-06-10 13.38.53

2014-06-10 13.37.21

Howard Zinn Letter to Grace Hoag

We have begun our summer processing work again! There will be 14 students working this summer to organize the Hall Hoag collection. We have been coming across some really interesting items.

I wanted to share one in particular this week. We found a letter from Howard Zinn written to Grace Hoag. Zinn became well known for writing The People’s History of The United States. He was also a professor at Boston University, where he was working when he wrote this letter. This is a response, dated June 3, 1968 to a letter written by Grace Hoag to Zinn asking about the “communist manipulation of demonstrations.”

The Hall Hoag collection is named in honor of Grace Hoag who was a collaborator of Gordon Hall. Hoag attended meetings and rallies of various groups and brought back their literature and was instrumental in the sorting and organizing the materials.

Howard Zinn Letter 1968

Howard Zinn Letter 1968

Surveillance Files

I wanted to share one more quick post this week. I found a file on James McElligott who I could not find much information about, but was very intrigued by the file that Gordon Hall had on him. Hall had two photos taken 6 years apart along with notes on McElligott’s involvement in the American Institute and John Birch Society. It does not seem like McElligott was much of a major player, but it is hard to say. Either way, he is a figure largely forgotten by history. The images show the extent of Gordon Hall’s work. The fact that he kept detailed information about a minor figure (and kept the files organized for 6 years) in the already fringe world of extremism is remarkable.

James McElligott 1961

James McElligott 1961


James McElligott 1967

James McElligott 1967

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