Youth Self Lab

Mental Health Research Laboratory

Category: Uncategorized

Researchers Present at the IASR / AFSP International Summit of Suicide Research

Members of the Youth Self Lab team presented at the annual meeting for the IASR / AFSP International Summit of Suicide Research in Barcelona, Spain in October 2023.

Highlights from Annual ABCT Conference

Our clinical research assistants on the Teens’ Attitudes Toward Self Study, Sarah Ryan and Zaharah Zaidi, presented posters at the annual meeting for the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies in New York City in November 2022.

Ryan’s poster was entitled The Role of Sleep Problems in The Link Between Self-Hatred and Suicidal Ideation in Youth. Zaidi’s poster was entitled Associations Between Perceived Parental Expressed Emotion-Criticism and Internalizing Symptoms Including Indirect Effects via Loneliness in Youth.

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