Roberto Zenit is the El Jefe (PI) of the lab. He is a full professor and Royce Family Professor of Teaching Excellence in Engineering at Brown University. He did his undergraduate in Mechanical Engineering at UNAM, Masters and PhD in Mechanical Engineering at Caltech, Postdoctoral training in Chemical Engineering at Cornell University, and then joined the faculty at UNAM in 1999.
He spends most of his time watching professional badminton and squash matches, playing competitive badminton with his students, and complaining about not eating enough cookies.
Orr Avni is a Fulbright postdoctoral scholar at the lab. He earned his undergraduate and master’s degrees in Mechanical Engineering, followed by a PhD in Aerospace Engineering from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. At Brown, he studies the fluid mechanics principles of liquids released from drones, aiming to enhance the efficiency of aerial firefighting and agricultural spraying techniques.
On weekends, you’ll likely find him either hiking through nature or tasting wines.
Madeline Federle is a 5th-year PhD student. She obtained her undergraduate degree from George Washington University in Mechanical Engineering. At Brown, she studies the interaction of a droplet and a bubble.
She loves space, bubbles, trying new foods, and playing with her fluffy dog (Comet).
Mithun Ravisankar is a 4th year PhD student. He did his undergraduate studies in Mechanical Engineering at Anna University, India. He obtained his Masters degree in Fluids and Thermal Sciences at Brown University, where he studied the bubble-bubble interaction in viscoelastic fluids. For his PhD, he studies the turbulence induced by the bubbles in viscoelastic fluids.
He never says no to ice creams.
Philip John Gaudio is a 3rd year PhD student from Connecticut who received his Bachelor’s and Master’s from the University of Hartford studying acoustical engineering and music, heat transfer, and fluid systems. He was an engineer at General Dynamics Electric Boat working on data acquisition aboard nuclear submarines. PJ is an experimentalist and studies microfluidics and small-scale fluid flow.
When not in the lab, he enjoys listening to jazz and electronic music, avoiding gluten, and working on cars.
- Yunxing Su, Dynamics of coiling filaments. From 2019 to 2021. Now: Research Associate, University of Colorado Boulder.
- Jorge Gonzalez, Locomotion through interfaces. From 2017 to 2019. Now: Universidad Autonoma de Chiapas.
- Raphael Poryles; Postdoc, DGAPA-UNAM; Art and rheology and non-Newtonian two-phase flows. Now: Postdoc at IFPEN, France.
- Elsa Maria de la Calleja Mora, Posdoc, Flow through porous media. Now: Laboratory technician, IIM-UNAM, Mexico.
- Oscar Arturo Chavez Lopez, Flow through porous media. From 2011 to 2014. Now: Professor, Instituto Tecnologico de Chihuahua, Mexico.
- Alberto Beltran Morales, Flow through heart valves. From 2013 to 2014. Now: Researcher, IIM-UNAM, Unidad Morelia. UNAM, Mexico.
- Francisco Antonio Godinez Rojano, Swimming in complex fluids. From 2011 to 2014. Now: Professor/Researcher, Instituto de Ingenieria, UNAM, Mexico.
- Enrique Guzman, Flujos a traves de valvulas cardiacas. From 2010 to 2011. Now: Professor/Researcher, Instituto de Ingenieria, UNAM, Mexico.
- Santos Mendez Dias, Flujos burbujeantes. From 2008 to 2010. Now: Professor, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon , Mexico.
- Celine Goujon, Movimiento de burbujas en medios no newtonianos y avalanchas granulares. From 2005 to 2007. Now: High-School Instructor, College L’Estaque, Marsella, Francia
PhD Students:
- Andres Zambrano, PhD in Mechanical Engineering, Brown University, 2024. Now: Senior Research Engineer, Pratt & Whitney.
- Asimanshu Das, PhD in Mechanical Engineering, Brown University, 2022. Now: Senior Mechanical Design Engineer, Archer Aviation Inc.
- Christophe Barbosa; PhD in Material Science and Engineering, UNAM/Univ. Toulouse; Bubble-wall interactions; 2016. Now: Research Engineer, IRPHE, Marseille, France.
- Lamberto Diaz Damacillo; Bubbles in stratified media; PhD in Material Science and Engineering, UNAM; 2016. Now: Postdoc ININ Mexico.
- Fabio Ernesto Mancilla Ramos;Caracterizacion hidrodinamica de flujos multifasicos en tanques agitados; PhD in Mechanical Engineering, UNAM; 2015. Now: Posdoc, Curitiba, Brasil.
- Horacio Tapia McClung, Colapsos de columnas granulares, PhD in Mechanical Engineering,UNAM. 2012. Now: Researcher, Laboratorio Nacional de Informatica Avanzada, Mexico.
- Rodrigo Velez Cordero, Study of the properties of bubble flows in non-newtonian fluids, PhD in Material Science and Engineering, UNAM. 2011. Now: Assistant Professor, Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi, Mexico.
- Carlos Alberto Palacios Morales, Dynamics of non-newtonian vortex rings. PhD in Mechanical Engineering, UNAM. 2010. Now: Assistant Professor, School of Engineering, UNAM, Mexico.
- Alicia Aguilar Corona, Agitation des particules dans un lit fluidise liquide. PhD in Chemical Engineering, LGC-Toulouse. Co-advised with O. Masbernat. 2008. Now: Professor/Researcher, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas Hidalgo, Mexico.
- Enrique Soto Castruita, Flow of single air bubbles in complex fluids. PhD in Material Science and Engineering, UNAM. Co-advised with O. Manero. 2008. Now: Researcher, Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, Mexico.
- Bernardo Figueroa Espinoza, Clustering in bubbly liquids. PhD in Material Science and Engineering, UNAM. 2006. Now: Researcher, Instituto de Ingenieria, UNAM, Mexico.
- Jose Ramon Herrera Velarde, Transferencia de calor en flujos viscoelasticos oscilatorios. PhD in Mechanical Engineering, UNAM. Co-advised with B. Mena. 2000. Now: Researcher, Instituto Nacional de Electricidad y Energias Limpias, Mexico.
Master Students:
- Sawyer Remillard; MS in Biomedical Engineering, Brown University; 2023. Now: PhD student, Brown University.
- Mithun Ravisankar; MS in Fluids and Thermal Sciences, Brown University; Hydrodynamic interaction of a bubble pair in viscoelastic shear-thinning fluids, 2021. Now: PhD student, Brown University.
- Alfonso Castillo Juarez; MSc in Chemical Engineering, UNAM; Sedimentation of a rotating sphere in a non-Newtonian liquid; 2018.
- Jhonny Amadeus Puente Velazquez; MSc in Mechanical Engineering, UNAM; Locomotion in complex media; 2018.
- Veronica Angeles, IIM-UNAM Nado confinado de microorganismos , 2016. Continued to PhD program.
- Keziah Reynoso Hernandez; MSc in Material Science and Engineering, UNAM; Flow through stenotic tubes, 2015. Now: PhD student CINVESTAV-Monterrey.
- Dante Hernandez Diaz; MSc in Material Science and Engineering, UNAM, Dispersion de burbujas en un medio agitado, 2015. Now: Engineer, Mexico City, Mexico.
- Lamberto Diaz Damacillo, Movimiento de burbujas en medios estratificados, IIM-UNAM, 2013. Continued to PhD program.
- Adriana Carolina Hernandez Badillo, Estudio de la interaccion de un flujo oscilante y una lamina flexible, Facultad de Ingenieria, UNAM, 2013. Now: Engineer, PEMEX, Mexico.
- Enrique Sandoval Nava, Analisis de las zonas estancadas en materiales granulares, Facultad de Ingenieria,UNAM, 2012. Now: PhD Student, University of Twente. The Netherlands.
- Roger Martinez Arco, Estudio de la eficiencia de mezclado a bajo numero de Reynolds, IIM-UNAM, 2012. Now: Engine Development Engineer, Continental-VW, Mexico.
- Jose Federico Hernandez Sanchez, Estudio numerico de la segregacion de materiales granulares, IIM-UNAM, 2011. Now: Postdoc, KAUST. Saudi Arabia.
- Rene Ledesma Alonso, Estudio del flujo pulsatil y su interaccion con valvas simples, IIM-UNAM, 2010. Now: Assitant Progressor, Universidad de Quintana Roo, Mexico.
- Horacio Tapia McClung, Simulaciones numericas de columnas granulares formadas por particulas alargadas, Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM, 2010. Continued to PhD program.
- Fabio Ernesto Mancilla Ramos, Caracterizacion de un flujo turbulento en la produccion de una emulsion, IIM-UNAM, 2009. Continued to PhD program.
- Irma Irian Garcia Salazar, Inicio de una avalancha de material granular, IIM-UNAM,2008. Now: Somewhere in Canada.
- Jose Cordova Magana, Dilute flow around an immersed cylinder and oblique granular shock waves, School of Mechanical Engineering Purdue University. Co-advised with C.R. Wassgren, 2005. Now: Design Engineer, GE-Mexico.
- Carlos Alberto Palacios Morales, Estudio de la velocidad fluctuante de la fase continua de una mezcla gas-liquido, IIM-UNAM,2005. Continued to PhD program.
- Daniel Chehata Gomez , Estudio de la discontinuidad en la velocidad de ascenso de una burbuja en un liquido no-newtoniano, IIM-UNAM, 2004. Now: Assistant professor, Universidad Politecnica de Chihuahua, Mexico.
- Miguel F. Moctezuma Sanchez, Interaccion y movimiento de pares de burbujas en flujo potencial, IIM-UNAM, 2003. Now: Instructor, Instituto Tecnologico de Jalapa, Mexico.