Trevino, A., Powers, T.R., Zenit, R., Rodriguez Jr, M., Low Reynolds number pumping near an elastic half space, arXiv:2410.17013, 2025.
Ávila-García, D., Lacambra-Asensio, L., Rodríguez-Rodríguez, J., Zenit, R., Champougny, L., The fluid mechanics of splat painting, arXiv:2311.11377, 2023.
131. Dominique, L., and Zenit, R., Gas bubble dynamics, arXiv:2501.02988 (accepted to Review of Modern Physics), 2025.
130. Théry, A., Zambrano, A., Lauga, E., Zenit, R., Helical locomotion in dilute suspensions, Physical Review Fluids, 10, 013101, 2025.
129. Valdés, R., Calleja, E., Zenit, R., Godínez, F. A., Tail length influences swimming speed of helical swimmers in granular media, Physical Review Fluids, 9, 124303, 2024.
128. Ravisankar, M., and Zenit, R., Velocity fluctuations for bubbly flows at small Re, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 1001, A34, 2024.
127. Federle, M.E., and Zenit, R., Physical conditions for droplet–bubble coalescence in flotation, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 104933, 2024.
126. Hurt, M.L., and Zenit, R., Beyond Bagnold: Rheological measurements of inertial suspensions, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 104919, 2024.
125. Sawka, D., Su, Y., Monteagudo, J., Zenit, R., Fluid Flow Analysis of Neonatal Dual-Lumen Cannulas for Venovenous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, BIO-23-1237, 2023.
124. Federle, M.E., Das, A., Mathai, V., Zenit, R., The interaction of an oil droplet and a gas bubble rising in a quiescent fluid, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 104682, 2023.
123. Río, L.M.d., Málaga, C., Zenit, R., Rendón, P. L., Generation of vorticity at the open end of acoustic waveguides, Physical Review Fluids, 8, 053402, 2023.
122. Atasi, O., Ravisankar, M., Legendre, D., Zenit, R., The presence of surfactants controls the stability of bubble chains in carbonated drinks, Physical Review Fluids, 8, 053601, 2023.
121. Su, Y., Wilhelmus, MM., Zenit, R., Asymmetry of motion: vortex rings crossing a density gradient, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 960, R1, 2023.
120. Karp, J. R., Su, Y., da Silva, F.S., Legendre, D., Zenit, R., Morales, R.E.M., Wake structure of compound drops oscillating in a viscous fluid, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 158, 104311, 2022.
119. Ravisankar, M., Garcidueñas Correa, A., Su, Y., Zenit, R., Hydrodynamic interaction of a bubble pair in viscoelastic shear-thinning fluids, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 309, 104912, 2022.
118. Su, Y., Castillo, A., Pak, O.S., Zhu, L., Zenit, R., Viscoelastic levitation, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 943, A23, 2022.
117. Das, A., Styslinger, M., Harris, D.M., Zenit, R., Force and torque-free helical tail robot to study low Reynolds number micro-organism swimming, Review of Scientific Instruments, 93, 044103, 2022.
116. Karp, J.R., Mancilla, E., da Silva, F.S., Legendre, D., Zenit, R., Morales, E.M.R., The dynamics of compound drops at high Reynolds numbers: Drag, shape, and trajectory, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 142, 103699, 2021.
115. Esparza López, C., Gonzalez-Gutierrez, J., Solorio-Ordaz, F., Lauga, E., Zenit, R., Dynamics of a helical swimmer crossing viscosity gradients, Physical Review Fluids, 6, 083102, 2021.
114. Carreón, J.P.Y., Díaz-Hernández, O., Escalera Santos, G.J., Cipriano-Urbano, I., Solorio-Ordaz, F.J., González-Gutiérrez, J., Zenit, R., Texture Analysis of Dried Droplets for the Quality Control of Medicines, Sensors, 21(12), 4048, 2021.
113. Angeles, V., Godínez, A.F., Puente-Velazquez, J.A., Mendez-Rojano, R., Lauga, E., Zenit, R., Front-back asymmetry controls the impact of viscoelasticity on helical swimming, Physical Review Fluids, 6, 043102, 2021.
112. Su, Y., Palacios, B., Zenit, R., Coiling of a viscoelastic fluid filament, Physical Review Fluids, 6, 033303, 2021.
111. de la Calleja, E., Zenit, R., Fractal dimension and topological invariants as methods to quantify complexity in Yayoi Kusama’s paintings, arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.06108.
110. Rage, G., Atasi, O., Wilhelmus, M. M., Hernandez-Sanchez, J. F., Haut, B., Scheid, B., Legendre, D. and Zenit, R., Bubbles determine the amount of alcohol in Mezcal, Scientific Reports, 10, 11014, 2020.
109. Atasi, O., Legendre, D., Haut, B., Zenit, R., Scheid, B., Lifetime of Surface Bubbles in Surfactant Solutions, Langmuir, 36, 7749-7764, 2020.
108. Zenit, R. Some fluid mechanical aspects of artistic painting, Physical Review Fluids, 4, 110507, 2019.
107. Palacios-Muniz, B., Rosario, A. Wilhelmus, M. M., Zetina, S. and Zenit, R., Pollock avoided hydrodynamic instabilities to paint with his dripping technique, PLOS One, 14(10): e0223706, 2019.
106. Gonzalez-Gutierrez, J., Osorio-Ramirez, S., Solorio-Ordaz, F.J. and Zenit, R. The dynamics of a helical swimmer crossing an interface between two immiscible fluids, Physical Review Fluids, 4, 083102, 2019.
105. Valdez, R., Angeles, V., de la Calleja, E. and Zenit, R., The self-propulsion of a helical swimmer in granular matter, Physical Review Fluids, 4, 084302, 2019.
104. Carlos Alvarez, M., Vicente, W., Solorio, F., Mancilla, E., Salinas, M. and Zenit, R. A Study of the Taylor-Couette Flow with Finned Surface Rotation, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 12,1371-1382, 2019
103. Puente-Velazquez, J. A., Godinez, F. A. Lauga, E. and Zenit, R. Viscoelastic snowman: Non-Newtonian propulsion of a rotating dumbbell, Microfluidics, and Nanofluidics, 23, 108, 2019.
102. Beltran, A., Hernandez, D., Chavez, O., Garcia, A. and Zenit, R., Experimental study of the effect of wettability on the relative permeability for air-water flow through porous media, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 120, 103091, 2019.
101. Alvarado, Y., Romero, R., Garcia, J., del Pozo, A., Zenit, R. and Serna, S., Using CFD and PIV to investigate Rotating Cage related hydrodynamics for CO2 corrosion studies analyzing 2, 4 and 8 coupons setups, Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials, 66, 801-811, 2019.
100. Castillo, A., Murch, W. L., Einarsson, J., Mena, B., Shaqfeh, E.S.G. and Zenit, R. Drag coefficient for a sedimenting and rotating sphere in a viscoelastic fluid, Physical Review Fluids, 4, 063302, 2019.
99. Barbosa, C., Legendre, D. and Zenit R., Sliding motion of a bubble against an inclined wall from moderate to high bubble Reynolds number, Physical Review Fluids, 4, 043602, 2019.
98. Zenit, R. and Rodriguez-Rodriguez, J., The fluid mechanics of bubbly drinks, Physics Today, 71 (11), 45-50, 2018
97. Mendoza-Fuentes, A. J., Cedeno-Madera, R., Moreno, L., Zenit, R., Mena, B., and Manero, O., A note on the effect of ultrasonic waves on droplets rising in Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids, Fluid Mech. Res. Int., 2, 171-175, 2018.
96. Poryles, R. and Zenit, R., Encapsulation of Droplets Using Cusp Formation Behind a Drop Rising in a Non-Newtonian Fluid, Fluids, 3, 54, 2018.
95. Palacios-Morales, C.A., Guzman, J.E.V., Beltran, A., Ruiz-Huerta, L., Caballero-Ruiz, A., Zenit, R., On the maximum operating frequency of prosthetic heart valves, Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express, 4, 047007, 2018.
94. Gonzalez-Bernal. R., Solorio-Diaz, G.. Ramos-Banderas, A., Torres-Alonso, E., Hernandez-Bocanegra, C.A. and Zenit, R. Effect of the fluid-dynamic structure on the mixing time of a ladle furnace, Steel Research International, 89, 1700281, 2018.
93. Figueroa-Espinosa, B., Mena, B., Aguilar-Corona, A., and Zenit, R., The lifespan of clusters in confined bubbly liquids. International Journal of Multiphase Flows, 106, 138-146, 2018.
92. Serrano-Garcia, J. C., Mendez-Diaz, S. and Zenit, R., The average properties of bidisperse bubbly flows, Physical Review Fluids, 3, 034306, 2018.
91. Gomez, A.S., Conejo, A. N. and Zenit, R., Effect of separation angle and nozzle radial position on mixing time in ladles with two nozzles, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 11, 11-20, 2018.
90. Zenit, R. and Feng, J. J. Hydrodynamic interactions among bubbles, drops and particles in non-Newtonian liquids, Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 50, 505-534, 2018.
89. de la Calleja E.M. and Zenit R., Topological invariants can be used to quantify complexity in abstract paintings, Knowledge-Based Systems, 126, 48-55, 2017.
88. Beltran, A., Chavez, O., Zaldivar, J., Godinez, F., Garcia, A. and Zenit, R., A new model for the computation of the formation factor of core rocks, Journal of Structural Geology, 97, 189-198, 2017.
87. Aguilar-Corona A., Masbernat O., Zenit R., Figueroa B., The effect of column tilt on flow homogeneity and particle agitation in a liquid fluidized bed, International Journal of Multiphase Flows, 92, 50-60, 2017.
86. Salcedo, E., Trevino, C. Palacios-Morales, C.A. Zenit, R, Martinez-Suastegui, L., Experimental study on laminar flow over two confined isothermal cylinders in tandem during mixed convection, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 115, 176-196, 2017.
85. Gomez, S., Godinez, F.A., Lauga, E. and Zenit, R., Helical propulsion in shear-thinning fluids, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 812, R3, 2017.
84. Linares-Guerrero, E., Hunt, M.L. and Zenit, R., Effects of inertia and turbulence on rheological measurements of neutrally-buoyant suspensions, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 811, 525-543, 2017.
83. Guzman, J.E.V., Hernandez-Badillo, A.C. and Zenit, R., Experimental Study of the Deflections of Curved Plates Exposed to Pulsating Cross-Flows, Acta Mechanica, 227, 3621-3637, 2016.
82. Mancilla, E., Soto E., Yatomi, R., Ascanio, G. and Zenit, R., Hydrodynamic Characterization of Three Axial Impellers under Gassed and Ungassed Conditions, Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 49, 894-903, 2016.
81. Barbosa, C., Legendre, D. and Zenit R., Conditions for the sliding-bouncing transition for the interaction of a bubble with an inclined wall, Physical Review Fluids, 1, 032201(R), 2016.
80. Diaz-Damacillo, L., Ruiz-Angulo, A. and Zenit, R., Drift by air bubbles crossing an interface of a stratified medium at moderate Reynolds number, International Journal of Multiphase Flows, 85, 258-266, 2016.
79. Palacios-Morales, C.A., J.P. Aguayo-Vallejo, Trujillo-Roldan, Zenit, R., M.A., Ascanio, G., Cordova-Aguilar, M.S., The flow inside shaking flasks and its implication for mycelial cultures, Chemical Engineering Science, 152, 163-171, 2016.
78. Godinez, F., Chavez, O., Garcia, A. and Zenit, R., A space-fractional model of thermoelectromagnetic wave propagation in anisotropic media, Applied Thermal Engineering, 93, 529-536, 2016.
77. Hernandez-Badillo, C., Guzman, J.E.V. and Zenit, R., Effect of the curvature of elastic plates on the evolution of pulsatile flow fields, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 56, 177-189, 2015.
76. Palacios-Morales, C., Barbosa, C., Solorio, F. and Zenit, R., Negative vortices: The formation of vortex rings with reversed rotation in viscoelastic liquids, Physics of Fluids, 27, 051703, 2015.
75. Sanjuan-Galindo, R., Soto, E., Zenit, R. and Ascanio, G., Viscous filament fragmentation in a turbulent flow inside a stirred tank, Chemical Engineering Communications, 25, 1251-1260, 2014.
74. Zetina, S. Godinez, F.A. and Zenit, R., A hydrodynamic instability is used to create aesthetically appealing patterns in painting, PLoS ONE, 10, e0126135, 2015.
73. Godinez, F., Zenit, R. and Lauga E., Complex fluids affect low-Reynolds number locomotion in a kinematic-dependent manner, Experiments in Fluids, 56, 97, 2015.
72. Mancilla, E., Palacios-Morales, C.A., Cordova-Aguilar, M.S., Trujillo-Roldan, M.A., Ascanio, G., Zenit, R., A hydrodynamic description of the flow behavior in shaken flasks, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 99, 61-66, 2015.
71. Godinez, F., de la Calleja, E., Lauga E. and Zenit, R., Sedimentation of a rotating sphere in a power-law fluid, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 213, 27-30, 2014.
70. de la Calleja, E., Zetina, S. and Zenit R., Rayleigh-Taylor instability creates provocative images in painting, Physics of Fluids, 26, 091102, 2014.
69. Palacios-Morales, C., Gelderblom, G., Solorio, F., Salinas-Vazquez, M. and Zenit, R., Interaction of a vortex ring with a natural convective layer, Physics of Fluids, 26, 083602, 2014.
68. Chavez, O., Godinez, F., Beltran, A., Garcia, A. and Zenit, R., Conjugate thermo-electric model for a two-phase porous media, PLoS ONE, 9(5), e97895, 2014.
67. Velez-Cordero, J.R., Lantenet, J., Hernandez-Cordero, J.A. and Zenit R., Compact bubble clusters in Newtonian and non-Newtonian liquids, Physics of Fluids, 26, 053101, 2014.
66. Arco, R.M., Velez-Cordero, J.R., Lauga, E. and Zenit R., Viscous pumping inspired by flexible propulsion, Biomimetics and Bioinspiration, 9, 036007, 2014.
65. Ledesma-Alonso, R., Guzman, J.E.V. and Zenit, R., Experimental study of a model valve with flexible leaflets in a pulsatile flow, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 739, 338–362, 2014.
64. Ramos-Gomez, E., Zenit, R, Gonzalez-Rivera, C. Trapaga, G. and Ramirez-Argaez, M., Physical modeling of fluid flow of an aluminum laddle equipped with impeller and gas purging for degassing, Metallurgical and Material Transactions B, 44 B, 974-983, 2013.
63. Sanchez-Arevalo, F.M., Tapia-McClung, H., Pulos, G. and Zenit, R., Reduction of compaction force in a confined bidisperse granular media, Physical Review E, 87, 052210, 2013.
62. Mendez-Diaz, S., Serrano-Garcia, J.C., Zenit, R. and Hernandez-Cordero, J.A., Power spectral distributions of pseudo-turbulent bubbly flows, Physics of Fluids, 25, 043303, 2013.
61. Ramos-Gomez, E., Zenit, R, Gonzalez-Rivera, C. Trapaga, G. and Ramirez-Argaez, M., Mathematical modeling of fluid flow in a water physical of an aluminum laddle equipped with impeller and gas purging for degassing, Metallurgical and Material Transactions B, 44, 423-435, 2013.
60. Espinoza-Garcia, J., Lauga, E. and Zenit, R., Fluid elasticity increases locomotion of flexible swimmers, Physics of Fluids, 25, 031701, 2013.
59. Palacios-Morales, C.A. and Zenit R., The formation of vortex rings in shear-thinning liquids, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 194, 1-13, 2013.
58. Palacios-Morales, C.A. and Zenit R., Vortex ring formation for low Re numbers, Acta Mechanica, 224, 383-397, 2013.
57. Hidalgo-Millan, A., Taboada, B., Vega-Alvarado, L., Zenit, R., and Ascanio, G., Enhancement of laminar mixing in stirred vessels using off-centered impellers, Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 10, 520-533, 2012.
56. Hidalgo-Millan, A., Zenit, R., Palacios, C., Yatomi, R., Horiguchi, H., Tanguy, P.A. and Ascanio, G., On the hydrodynamic characterization of the straight Maxblend impeller with Newtonian fluids, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 90, 1117-1128, 2012.
55. Godinez, F., Chavez, O. and Zenit, R., Design of a novel rotating magnetic field device, Review of Scientific Instruments, 83, 066109, 2012.
54. Tapia-McClung, H., and Zenit. R., Computer simulations of the collapse of columns formed by elongated grains, Physical Review E, 85, 061304, 061304, 2012.
53. Velez-Cordero, J.R., Samano, D. and Zenit, R., Study of the properties of bubbly flows in Boger-type fluids, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 175-176, 1-9, 2012.
52. Legendre, D., Zenit, R. and Velez-Cordero, J.R., On the deformation of gas bubbles in liquids, Physics of Fluids, 24, 043303, 2012.
51. Pimentel-Dominguez, R., Hernandez-Cordero, J., Zenit, R., Microbubble generation using fiber optic tips coated with nanoparticles, Optics Express, 20, 8732-8740, 2012.
50. Mendez-Diaz, S., Zenit, R., Chiva, S., Munoz-Cobo, J.L., and Martinez-Martinez, S., A criterion for the transition from wall to core peak gas volume fraction distributions in bubbly flows, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 43, 56-61, 2012.
49. Lopez-Zazueta, A., Ledesma-Alonso, R. Guzman, J.E.V. and Zenit, R., Study of the velocity and strain fields in the flow through prosthetic heart valves, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 133, 121003, 2011.
48. Hidalgo-Millan, A., Soto, E., Zenit, R. and Ascanio, G., Effect of eccentricity on the pumping capacity in an unbaffled vessel, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 89, 1051-1058, 2011.
47. Pacheco, R., Ruiz-Angulo, A., Zenit, R. and Verzicco, R., Fluid velocity fluctuations in a collision of a sphere with a wall, Physics of Fluids, 23, 063301, 2011.
46. Aguilar-Corona, A., Zenit, R. and Masbernat, O., Collisions in a liquid fluidized bed, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 37, 695-705, 2011.
45. Solorzano-Lopez, J., Ramirez-Argaez, M., Zenit, R., Mathematical and Physical Simulation of the Interaction between a Gas Jet and a Liquid Free Surface, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 35, 4991-5005, 2011.
44. Guzman, J.E.V. and Zenit, R., Application of the Euler- Lagrange Method to Model Developed Hydrodynamic Slugs in Conduits, Journal of Fluids Engineering, 133, 041301, 2011.
43. Velez-Cordero, J.R., Samano, D., Yue, P., Feng, J. J. and Zenit, R., Hydrodynamic interaction between a pair of bubbles ascending in shear-thinning inelastic fluids, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 166, 118-132, 2011.
42. Velez-Cordero, J.R. and Zenit, R., Bubble cluster formation in shear-thinning inelastic bubbly columns, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 166, 32-41, 2011.
41. Solorzano-Lopez, J. , Ramirez-Argaez, M., Zenit, R., Modelado fisico de la incidencia de un chorro de aire sobre una superficie de agua, Revista de Metalurgia, 46, 405-420, 2010.
40. Sanchez-Arevalo, F. M., Farfan, M., Covarrubias, D., Zenit, R. and Pulos, G., Micromechanical behavior of lyophilized glutaraldehyde-treated bovine pericardium under uniaxial tension, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 3, 640-646, 2010.
39. Mendoza-Fuentes, A.J., Zenit, R., Manero, O., Evaluation of the drag correction factor for spheres settling in associative polymers, Rheologica Acta, 49, 979-984, 2010.
38. Camacho-Martinez, J., Ramirez-Argaez, M., Zenit, R., Juarez-Hernandez, A., Barceinas-Sanchez, O. and Trapaga, G., Physical modelling of an Aluminium degassing operation with rotating impellers – a comparative hydrodynamic analysis, Materials, and Manufacturing Processes, 25, 581-591, 2010.
2009 ≥ year ≥ 2005
37. Zenit, R. and Legendre, D., The coefficient of restitution for air bubbles colliding against solid walls in viscous liquids, Physics of Fluids, 21, 083306, 2009.
36. Mendoza-Fuentes, A.J., Montiel, R., Zenit, R., Manero, O., On the flow of associative polymers past a sphere: Evaluation of negative wake criteria, Physics of Fluids, 21, 033104, 2009.
35. Zenit, R. and Magnaudet, J., Measurements of the streamwise vorticity in the wake of an oscillating bubble, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 35, 195-203, 2009.
34. Figueroa-Espinoza, B., Zenit, R. and Legendre, D., The effect of confinement on the motion of a single clean bubble, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 616, 419-443, 2008.
33. Soto, E., Zenit, R. and Manero, O., Break up of the tail of a bubble in a non-Newtonian fluid, Physics of Fluids,20, 091110, 2008.
32. Zenit, R. and Magnaudet, J., Path instability of rising spheroidal air bubbles: a shape controlled process, Physics of Fluids, 20, 061702, 2008.
31. Martin, R. and Zenit, R. Heat transfer resulting from the interaction of a vortex ring with a heated wall, Journal of Heat Transfer, 130, 051701, 2008.
30. Martinez-Mercado, J., Palacios-Morales, C.A. and Zenit, R., Measurement of pseudoturbulence intensity in monodispersed bubbly liquids for 10 < Re < 500, Physics of Fluids, 19, 103302, 2007.
29. Linares-Guerrero, E., Goujon, C., and Zenit R., Increased mobility of bi-disperse granular avalanches, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 593, 475-504, 2007.
28. Dominguez, H. and Zenit, R. On the cooling law of a non-dilute granular gas, Revista Mexicana de Fisica, 53, 83-86, 2007.
27. Charru, F., Larrieu, E., J.-B., Dupont and Zenit, R., Motion of a particle near a rough wall in a viscous shear flow, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 570, 431-453, 2007.
26. Soto, E., Goujon, C., Zenit, R. and Manero, O., A study of velocity discontinuity for single air bubbles rising in an associative polymer, Physics of Fluids, 18, 121510, 2006.
25. Legendre, D., Zenit, R., Daniel, C. and Guirand, P., A note on the modelling of the bouncing of spherical drops or solid spheres on a wall in viscous fluid, Chemical Engineering Science, 61, 3543 – 3549, 2006.
24. Bharadwaj, R., Wassgren, C.R and Zenit, R., The unsteady drag force on a cylinder immersed in a dilute granular flow, Physics of Fluids, 18, 043301, 2006.
23. Moctezuma, M., Lima-Ochoterena, R. and Zenit, R., Velocity fluctuations resulting from the interaction of a bubble with a vertical wall, Physics of Fluids, 17, 098106, 2005.
22. Figueroa-Espinoza, B.. and Zenit, R., Clustering in high Re monodispersed bubbly flows, Physics of Fluids, 17, 091701, 2005.
21. Herrera-Velarde, J.R., Mena, B. and Zenit, R., Propiedades mecanicas del producto extrudido de un flujo viscoelastico oscilante, Ingenieria Mecanica, Tecnologia y Desarrollo, 1, 202-208, 2005.
20. Zenit, R., Computer simulations of the collapse of a granular column, Physics of Fluids, 17, 031703, 2005.
2004 ≥ year ≥ 2000
19. Zenit, R., Tsang, Y.H., Koch, D.L. and Sangani, A.S., Shear flow of a suspension of bubbles rising in an inclined channel, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 515, 261 – 292, 2004.
18. Arroyo-Cetto, D., Pulos, G., Zenit, R. and Wassgren, C.R., Compaction force in a confined granular column, Physical Review E., 68, 051301, 2003.
17. Wassgren, C.R., Cordova, J.A. Zenit, R. and Karion, A., Dilute granular flow around an immersed cylinder, Physics of Fluids, 15, 3318-3330, 2003.
16. Chehata, D., Zenit, R. and Wassgren, C.R., Dense granular flow around an immersed cylinder, Physics of Fluids, 15, 1622-1631, 2003.
15. Lima-Ochoterena and Zenit, R., Visualization of the flow around a bubble moving in a low viscosity liquid, Revista Mexicana de Fisica, 49, 348-352, 2003.
14. Zenit, R., Koch, D.L. and Sangani, A.S., Impedance probe to measure local gas volume fraction and bubble velocity in a bubbly liquid, Review of Scientific Instruments, 74, 2817- 2827, 2003.
13. Herrera-Velarde, J.R., Zenit, R., Chehata, D. and Mena, B., The flow of non-Newtonian fluids around bubbles and its connection to the jump discontinuity, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 111,199-209, 2003.
12. Herrera-Velarde, J.R., Zenit, R. and Mena, B., Measurement of the temperature rise in non-Newtonian oscillatory pipe flows, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 109, 157-176, 2003.
11. Hunt, M.L., Zenit, R. Campbell, C.S. and Brennen, C.E., Revisiting the 1954 suspension experiments of R. A. Bagnold, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 452, 1-24, 2002.
10. Herrera-Velarde, J.R., Zenit, R. and Mena, B., Viscous dissipation of a power law fluid in an oscillatory pipe flow, Revista Mexicana de Fisica, 47, 351-356, 2001.
9. Chavez, B.E., Galicia, O.M., Geffroy, E., Zenit, R. and Mena, B. Grain Drying and Aeration in a New Solar Hexagonal Silo, Particulate Science and Technology, 19, 45-65, 2001.
8. Joseph, G.G., Zenit, R., Hunt, M.L. and Rosenwinkel, A., Particle-wall collisions in a viscous fluid, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 433, 329 – 346, 2001.
7. Zenit, R., Koch, D.L. and Sangani, A.K., Measurements of the average properties of a suspension of bubbles rising in a vertical channel, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 429, 307-342, 2001.
6. Hernandez-Cordero J., Zenit, R., Geffroy, E., and Mena, B., Experiments on granular flow in a hexagonal silo; a design that minimizes dynamic stresses, Korea-Australia Journal of Rheology, 12, 55-67, 2000.
5. Zenit, R. and Hunt, M.L., Solid fraction fluctuations in solid-liquid flows, International Journal of Multi-Phase Flow, 26, 763-781, 2000.
year < 2000
4. Zenit, R. and Hunt, M.L., Mechanics of immersed particle collisions, Journal of Fluids Engineering, 121, 1999, 179-184.
3. Zenit, R. and Hunt, M.L., The impulsive motion of a liquid resulting from a particle collision, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 375, 345-361, 1998.
2. Zenit, R., Hunt, M.L. and Brennen, C.E., On the direct and radiated components of the particle pressure in liquid-solid flows, Applied Scientific Research, 58, 305-317, 1998.
1. Zenit, R., Hunt, M.L. and Brennen, C.E., Collisional particle pressure measurements in solid liquid flows, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 353, 261-283, 1997.
All years
8. S. Mendez, R. Zenit, Pseudoturbulence in Bubbly and Transition Flow Regimes, Fluid Dynamics in Physics, Engineering and Environmental Applications (Environmental Science and Engineering), J. Klapp, Ed., ISBN: 978-3-642-27722-1, Springer 2013.
7. E. Mancilla, R. Zenit, E. Soto and G. Ascanio. Bubbles in isotropic homogeneous turbulence, Fluid Dynamics in Physics, Engineering and Environmental Applications (Environmental Science and Engineering), J. Klapp, Ed., ISBN: 978-3-642-27722-1, Springer 2013.
6. A. Aguilar-Corona, O. Masbernat, R. Zenit and B. Figueroa-Espinoza, Agitation in a liquid fluidized bed, Experimental and Theoretical Advances in Fluid Dynamics (Environmental Science and Engineering), J. Klapp, Ed., ISBN:978-3-642-17957-0, Springer 2012.
5. E. Soto, A. Aguilar-Corona, A. B.DomÃnguez-Gomez, R.Zenit, Flow of Air Bubbles in a Packed Bed, Experimental and Theoretical Advances in Fluid Dynamics (Environmental Science and Engineering), J. Klapp, Ed., ISBN:978-3-642-17957-0, Springer 2012.
4. R. Sanjuan-Galindo, E. Soto, G. Ascanio, R.Zenit, Oil Filaments Produced in a Stirred Tank, Experimental and Theoretical Advances in Fluid Dynamics (Environmental Science and Engineering), J. Klapp, Ed., ISBN:978-3-642-17957-0, Springer 2012.
3. J. R. Velez-Cordero, D. Samano, R. Zenit, Bubble Clusters in Associative Polymers, Experimental and Theoretical Advances in Fluid Dynamics (Environmental Science and Engineering), J. Klapp, Ed., ISBN:978-3-642-17957-0, Springer 2012.
2. J.E.V. Guzman and R. Zenit, On the modeling strategies for hydrodynamic slugging in conduits of general shapes and layouts, Experimental and Theoretical Advances in Fluid Dynamics (Environmental Science and Engineering), J. Klapp, Ed., ISBN:978-3-642-17957-0, Springer 2012.
1. J. F. Hernandez Sanchez and R. Zenit, The collision of a deformable particle with a corner formed by two perpendicular walls, Experimental and Theoretical Advances in Fluid Dynamics (Environmental Science and Engineering), J. Klapp, Ed., ISBN:978-3-642- 17957-0, Springer 2012.