Location: Classroom 565 (on the fifth floor). Please take the stairs or elevator to the fifth floor and take your seat in Classroom 565.

Introductory remarks will be delivered by Associate Dean Audra Van Wart.
Dr. Audra Van Wart is Associate Dean for Training and Program Development in the Division of Biology and Medicine at Brown University and Director of Brown’s Office of University Postdoctoral Affairs. In her role, she oversees a variety of training initiatives for graduate students, postdocs, and junior faculty. Prior to joining Brown University, she served as Assistant Vice President for Health Sciences Education at Virginia Tech, where she co-developed and co-directed the Ph.D. program in Translational Biology, Medicine and Health, and was PI on an NIH-funded BEST professional development program grant. She has served on the Steering Committee and Ph.D. Outreach Committee for the AAMC Graduate Research, Education, and Training (GREAT) Group, and has spoken widely about Ph.D. training and careers, including at ABRCMS, SACNAS, and webinars for NRMN and ASBMB. Dr. Van Wart completed her postdoctoral training at MIT and earned her Ph.D. from SUNY at Stony Brook.