Brown Bag Talks for Fall 2024

Brown Bag Series logo

Brown Bag talks are held Thursdays from 12:00-12:50 pm in Rhode Island Hall 108. These talks are free and open to the public.

The schedule for the Fall 2024 semester is below. (Note that we are still scheduling additional talks, and will be adding to this calendar over the coming weeks.)

Brown paper bag with the JIAAW logo

September 26, 2024
Suzanne Pilaar Birch (University of Georgia)
Title TBA

Brown Bag Talks for Spring 2024

Drawing of a brown paper bag

Brown Bag talks are held Thursdays from 12:00-12:50 pm in Rhode Island Hall 108. These talks are free and open to the public.

The schedule for the Spring 2024 semester is below. (Note that we are still scheduling additional talks, and will be adding to this calendar over the coming weeks.)

Brown paper bag with the JIAAW logo

February 15, 2024
Francesco Guiliano (Scuola Superiore Meridionale)
“The Aeolian Archipelago
During the Greek and Roman Ages (6th c. BC – 5th c. AD)”

February 22, 2024
Kirie Stromberg (Yale University)
“From Musicking to Governance: Dōtaku Bronze Bells of Japan’s Yayoi Period (ca. 800 BC-250 AD)”

March 14, 2024
Zachary Silvia (Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, Brown University)
“Ancient Sogdiana and the Emergence of the Northern “Silk Road” (4th-1st c. BCE): New Archaeological Discoveries from Bukhara, Uzbekistan

March 21, 2024
Harper Dine (Anthropology, Brown University)
“Local Landscape Contours: A Paleoethnobotanical Case Study of Two Rejolladas at Yaxuna and Joya, Yucatán, Mexico”

April 4, 2024
Kathleen Forste (Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, Brown University)
“From Terrace to Tray: Archaeological Investigations of Andalusi Agriculture and Foodways”

April 18, 2024
Margaret Graves (History of Art and Architecture, Brown University)
“Extraction and Liquidation, from Rayy to Russia: Iranian Ceramics in a Global Art Market”

April 25, 2024
Daiana Rivas-Tello (Anthropology, Brown University)
“Relocating Crafting Communities: Inka Imperialism and the Huancas Mitmaqkuna in Amazonas, Peru”



Brown Bag Talks for Fall 2023

Brown Bag Series logo

Brown Bag talks are held Thursdays from 12:00-12:50 pm in Rhode Island Hall 108. These talks are free and open to the public.

The schedule for the Fall 2023 semester is below. (Note that we are still scheduling additional talks, and will be adding to this calendar over the coming weeks.)

Brown paper bag with the JIAAW logo

September 21, 2023:
Mariana Cabral (Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, Brown University)
“Archaeology, Indigenous Knowledge, and the Future of the Amazon”

September 28, 2023
Dominic Pollard (Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University)
Hinterland and Borderland: Connecting Population, Agricultural Population, and Territoriality on Iron Age Crete”

October 5, 2023
Zachary Silvia (Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, Brown University)
“Recent Explorations in the Bukhara Oasis, Uzbekistan: Towards an Archaeology of Rural Lifeways in Hellenistic Central Asia

October 19, 2023
Eric Johnson (History of Art and Architecture, the Native American and Indigenous Studies Initiative, and the Cogut Institute for the Humanities, Brown University)
“Epistemologies of Recognition: Contending with Colonial Stonework on Indigenous Land

October 26, 2023
Erynn Bentley (Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, Brown University)
“Shadow and Bone: ‘Marginal’ Bone Workers of the Roman West”

November 2, 2023
Leah Neiman (Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, Brown University)
“Reciprocal Care or Royal Coercion? Gramscian Common Sense, Consciousness, and Subalternity amongst Workers at Deir el-Medina

November 9, 2023
Robyn Price (Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, Brown University)
“Immeasurable Delights: Gardens and Sensory Indulgence in Ancient Egypt”

November 16, 2023
Jordi A. Rivera Prince (Anthropology, Brown University)
“Laying Siege to Violent Narratives for the Final Formative Central Andes (400-1 BCE)

November 30, 2023
Jada Ko (Institute at Brown University for Environment and Society, Brown)

December 7, 2023
Shanti Morell-Hart (Anthropology, Brown University)
“Culinary Arts and Plant Sciences in the Ancient Maya Lowlands “

Brown Bag Talks for Spring 2023

Drawing of a brown paper bag

Brown Bag talks are held Thursdays from 12:00-12:50 pm in Rhode Island Hall 108.
These talks are free and open to the public. The schedule for the Spring 2023 semester is below.

Brown paper bag with the JIAAW logo

February 16, 2023:
Celebrating 2023 Anthropology Day  

February 23, 2023:
Morgan Clark (Department of Anthropology, Brown University)
“True Stories” and Narrative Control: Speech and Image in Classic Maya Mythohistory

March 16, 2023:
Cicek Beeby (Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, Brown University)
Parodies of Sexual Violence in Art and Media: A Parallel Study of Ancient Greece and Modern Turkey

March 23, 2023:
Ana Gonzalez San Martin (Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, Brown University)
The Hammer and the Sickle: Tracing the Landscape of Labor Organization in Prehistoric Cyprus

April 6, 2023:
Leah Neiman (Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, Brown University)
Translating Clitoral Pain in the Kahun Papyrus and What Medicine Doesn’t Have To Say About It

April 13, 2023:
Elizabeth Davis (Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, Brown University)
Lived Religion and the Making of Early Christian Identity in Late Antique Asia Minor

April 20, 2023:
Gerasimoula (Mina) Nikolovieni (Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, Brown University)
Reading Textile Traces of Modern Greece

May 4, 2023:
M. Elizabeth Gravalos (Department of Anthropology, Brown University and Postdoctoral Scientist in the Negaunee Integrative Research Center at the Field Museum)
Casma Statecraft? Examining Politics and Pottery Production on Peru’s North Coast, ca. 1000-1450 CE

Brown Bag Talks for Fall 2022

Brown Bag talks are held Thursdays from 12:00-12:50pm in RI Hall 108.
These talks are free and open to the public. Information about each talk will be provided below.

Brown paper bag with the JIAAW logo

October 13, 2022:
Daniel Everton (Public Humanities, Brown University)
Re-imagining the Predynastic Man Exhibit at Museo Egizio

October 20, 2022:
Amanda Gaggioli (Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, Brown University)
Decolonialism and Mediterranean Archaeology: the case for the Aegean prehistory/history divide

November 3, 2022:
John F. Cherry & Liza Davis (Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, Brown University)
Archaeology in the Potter’s Field at Providence’s North Burial Ground

November 17, 2022:
Christina Hodge (Haffenreffer Museum of Anthropology, Brown University)
Desanitizing Provenance: Critical Documentation in Museum Collections

December 1, 2022
Breton Langendorfer (History of Art and Architecture, Brown University)
Achaemenid Syntax: Architecture, Metalware, and Modularity


Brown Bag talks for Spring 2022

Drawing of a brown paper bag


Brown Bag talks are held Thursdays from 12:00 PM – 12:50 PM

These hybrid talks are free and open to the public via Zoom. Links and information about attending each talk will be provided below.

February 24:
Nour Munawar | Competing Narratives: Destruction, Reconstruction and Representation of Heritage in Syria (JIAAW, Brown University)
Join via Zoom: | Meeting ID: 99396452825

March 3:
Christopher Ball | Diverse Strategies: Human-Environmental Relationships and Agricultural Origins in Southern Ontario’s Grand River Valley.
Join via Zoom: | Meeting ID: 94764295590

March 24:
Sarah Bell | Chosen Glories vs. Chosen Traumas: Interpreting Post-Abandonment Visitation to LM IIIC Refuge Settlements on Crete through the lens of Social Trauma Theory (JIAAW, Brown University)
Join via Zoom: | Meeting ID: 91372686702

April 7:
Max Peers | Architecture and the Formation of Urban Communities in the Roman Central Mediterranean (JIAAW, Brown University)
Join via Zoom: | Meeting ID: 95801008050

April 28:
Rebecca Marisseau | New Bedford’s Whaling Waterfront: Recovering Historic Places and Viewsheds through a Mobile Walking Tour (JIAAW Interdisciplinary Opportunity)
Join via Zoom: | Meeting ID: 94426289496

May 5:
Nadhira Hill | Kraters in Context: Expanding Our Understanding of Group Drinking in Classical Greece. (University of Michigan)
Join via Zoom: | Meeting ID: 92451878473

May 12:
Kristen Marchetti & Erynn Bentley | Out of the Vault: Lessons and Experiences from the View the Vault Project.
Join via Zoom: | Meeting ID: 92999513911

Brown Bag Talks for Fall 2021

Brown Bag talks are held Thursdays from 12:00-12:50pm.
These hybrid talks are free and open to the public via Zoom. Links and information about attending each talk will be provided below.

Brown paper bag with the JIAAW logo

October 7, 2021:
Peter van Dommelen (Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, Brown University)
Monuments of Change: Indigenous Resilience and Colonial Connections in Iron Age Sardinia

October 14, 2021:
Cicek Beeby (Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, Brown University)
Women’s Agency in the Iconography of Burial in Ancient Greece

October 21, 2021:
Yannis Hamilakis ( Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, Brown University ) and Raphael Greenberg (Tel Aviv University)
Archaeology, Nation, and Race: Confronting the Past, Decolonizing the Future in Greece and Israel
Join the Zoom Meeting (passcode: BrownBag)

November 11, 2021:
Alex Marko, Miriam Rothenberg, and Anna Soifer (Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, Brown University)
Join the Zoom Meeting (passcode: BrownBag)

November 18, 2021:
Tyler Franconi (Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, Brown University)
The English Landscapes and Identities Project and the Changing Face of the English Landscape From 1500 BC to AD 1086
Join the Zoom Meeting (passcode: BrownBag)

Brown Bag Talks for Spring 2021

Drawing of a brown paper bag

Brown Bag talks are held Thursdays from 12:00-12:50pm via Zoom.

Talks are free and open to the public. Links and information about attending each talk will be provided below.

February 18, 2021:
Anna Soifer (Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, Brown University)
The Lived Productive Landscapes of Ancient Etruria

February 25, 2021:
Panos Tzovaras (University of Southampton)
The Boatbuilding Tradition of the LN-EBA Aegean: Typological Classification, Digital Reconstruction and Seakeeping Assessment of the Period’s Watercraft

March 4, 2021:
Elizabeth Clay (University of Pennsylvania and Virginia and Jean R. Perrette Fellow, John Carter Brown Library, Brown University)
A Marginal Colony?: Recovering the Nineteenth-Century Clove Industry in French Guiana

March 11, 2021:
Amy Russell (Classics, Brown University)
Political Performance and Political Spectatorship in the Forum Romanum

March 18, 2021:
Kathleen Forste (Boston University)
Cultivating the Hills and the Sands: An Archaeobotanical Investigation of Early Islamic Agriculture in the Southern Levant

March 25, 2021:
Amélie Allard (Rhode Island College)
Communities on the Move: Fur Traders and the Making of Place

April 1, 2021:
Sandra Blakely (Emory University)
GIS, Games and Gephi: Modeling Maritime Mobility as a Complex Adaptive System in the Hellenistic Mediterranean

Brown Bag Talks for Fall 2020

Talks are heldBrown paper bag with the JIAAW logo
Thursdays from 12:00-1:00 PM
and will be held via Zoom

Note that the Joukowsky Institute will not be holding Brown Bag talks during the month of October so that our community members can participate in the Haffenreffer Museum of Anthropology’s “Women Do Archaeology” series. Inspired by 2020’s centennial commemoration of the 19th Amendment, the Haffenreffer is highlighting the work of women archaeologists and anthropologists affiliated with the Museum – Annalisa Heppner, Pinar Durgun, Michèle Hayeur Smith, Jen Thum, and Leah Hopkins.

November 12, 2020:
Juliane Schlag (Institute at Brown for Environment and Society, Brown University)
Turning Bird Wheels and Mixing Potions – the Ancient, Greco-Roman Art to Magically Falling in Love
To attend this event, please register here.

November 19, 2020:
Julia Hurley (Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, Brown University)
(The) Consuming Empire? Foodways and Sociocultural Identities in Iron Age and Roman-Period Britain
To attend this event, please register here.

Brown Bag Talks for Spring 2020

Talks are held
Thursdays from 12:00-1:00 PM
Rhode Island Hall, Room 108
Brown University, 60 George Street, Providence, RI

January 30, 2020:
Ashish Avikunthak (University of Rhode Island)
Rummaging for Pasts: Excavating Sicily, Digging Bombay a film by Ashish (Chadha) Avikunthak

February 6, 2020:
Holly Shaffer (History of Art and Architecture, Brown University)
Goods Gained from Graft: An Archaeology of an 18th-Century Indian Art Market

February 13, 2020:
Dan Plekhov ( Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, Brown University)
Terraced Landscapes: The Historical Ecology of Long-Term Agricultural Practice

February 20, 2020:
Débora Leonel Soares (University of São Paulo)
Working With Huacos: Archaeological Ceramics and Relationships Among Worlds in the Peruvian North Coast

March 5, 2020:
Alex Marko, Dan Plekhov, and Miriam Rothenberg (Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, Brown University)
Mapping God’s Little Acre: Documenting Newport’s Colonial African Cemetery

March 12, 2020:
Catherine Scott (Brandeis University)
Around the Hearth: Reconstructing and Recontextualizing Burning Features at the 2nd Millennium BCE Citadel of Kaymakçı, Western Turkey

March 19, 2020:
CANCELED: Kathleen Forste (Boston University)
Farming the Hills: An Archaeobotanical Analysis of an Early Islamic Town in Palestine

April 9, 2020:
CANCELED: Sanja Horvatinčić (Institute of Art History, Zagreb) and Rui Gomes Coelho (Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, Brown University)
Heritage from Below – Drežnica: Traces and Memories 1941-1945

April 16, 2020:
CANCELED: Amélie Allard (Rhode Island College)

April 23, 2020:
CANCELED: Julia Hurley (Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology, Brown University)