The Archaeology of North Africa: State of the Field 2014

November 14 – 15th, 2014.

Since 2011, the Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World at Brown University has hosted an annual workshop focused on the state of archaeological research in a given region. Past events have examined the countries of Italy, Turkey, and Greece, as well as the Iberian Peninsula. In November 2014, the Joukowsky Institute will continue this tradition with a two-day workshop on “The Archaeology of North Africa: State of the Field.”

Of necessity, given the huge expanse we intend to ‘cover’, this gathering will differ from its predecessors; in no way can we claim it will be either comprehensive or representative of the archaeology and the archaeological communities of what, after all, was a land mass equivalent to over 4/5ths of the Roman empire at its greatest extent.  Nonetheless, our overarching goal remains the same: to foster the exchange of ideas between a select number of primarily North American and European scholars, to consider some common obstacles to the study of the region, and to identify key questions for future collaboration and research.

The Archaeology of North Africa: State of the Field will be split into four broad themes, each featuring 2-3 short papers (15 minutes) intended to begin a conversation on where things stand on certain key topics. The first session will focus on current debates on urbanism and urbanization, and the importance of cities to our understanding of the North African past. This urban focus will be offset in the second session by a discussion of the mobility of peoples and materials across this broad landscape landscapes. In the afternoon, the workshop will explore the potential for new interpretations and research using available legacy data sets. Finally, participants will consider the place of archaeology in North Africa within its wider communities, with a particular focus on working for the protection of cultural heritage. The event will conclude with a wide-ranging dialogue around key ideas or themes emerging throughout the day, opening the door to future cooperative ventures and providing participants with new ideas to shape the trajectory of scholarship in the region in the years to come.

Workshop Schedule

The workshop is free and open to the public.  No registration is required.

If you have questions, please email the Joukowsky Institute, at or call (401) 863-3188.

Related links:

The Archaeology of Iberia: State of the Field 2014

The Archaeology of Greece: State of the Field 2013

The Archaeology of Turkey: State of the Field 2012

The Archaeology of Italy: State of the Field 2011