We’ve already started excavations for the 2014 field season on the Quiet Green. After shooting in our new trenches last week, the fences are up and we started digging on Monday afternoon. Our 2014 students were enjoying the sunny September weather, and made a good start clearing the turf and topsoil. Early finds include lost pennies and lost dorm keys – perhaps if we return them now, we can get the $30 replacement fee back for some poor student?
Tag: pathway

Today was our last day excavating, and it was difficult to motivate ourselves considering it was so cold and, thanks to the Daylight Savings Time shift, sunset had been moved to the middle of our class time. Our phones told us it was only forty degrees Fahrenheit when we started the afternoon, and by the time we left it was probably at freezing—everyone was ready to call it a day.

Quiet Green Trench 3 (QG3)
This week in QG3, we worked in two contexts. In context 5, we used handpicks to excavate quickly. Context 5 was a light orange, clayey soil. For the most part, it was wet and clumpy, which made it slightly difficult to sift, but didn’t present any other significant problems. We encountered context 6 later in the day. Context 6 was a darker soil that formed a circular deposit on the western edge of the trench. We fully excavated the area, which returned to context 5 when context 6 was completely removed.