Archaeology of College Hill Excavations

Brown University's Ongoing Fieldwork in Providence, Rhode Island

Tag: technology

Nicole Chen ’14: Technology

Pictured above is a course summary of Professor Sue Alcock’s class, “Archaeology’s Dirty Little Secrets”, now available as a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Coursera. As a MOOC, the online course mirrors the archaeology course offered at Brown through video lectures and as a result, “extends, shapes, reworks, or reproduces the structure [a Brown education] in ways that are more or less unpredictable” (Bijker and Law). MOOCs like Professor Alcock’s class provide educational opportunities to people of all ages all around the world, however also come with some flaws, including the loss of teacher and student interaction in classrooms and peer-to-peer communication.

Blog posts by the students of Claudia Moser’s class ARCH 1764: 25 Things! 250 Years of Brown’s Material Past.

Emily Chu ’14: Technology

BlogDailyHerald, the younger and quirkier sibling of The Brown Daily Herald, acts as an object with its own agency, helping to determine how the image of Brown is viewed by students and outsiders. BlogDailyHerald’s posts inform students of everything from course selection to free food events. BlogDailyHerald is a daily staple in many students’ lives and has acted as an unconventional and edgy record of Brown’s recent history. The popularity of BlogDailyHerald represents a shift from print to online news as technology burgeons on college campuses.

Blog posts by the students of Claudia Moser’s class ARCH 1764: 25 Things! 250 Years of Brown’s Material Past.

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