Join the Lab


Research in the lab focuses on the relationship between thought and language. We study babies (what kinds of thoughts do they have before they learn language?), toddlers and kids (how does learning language affect the kinds of thoughts they can think?) and adults (how are adult thought and language related?).

You can get to know our research better by reading some of our publications.

Graduate Students

The BLT lab is NOT currently planning to admit a graduate student for next year.

Interested students can contact Dr. Roman Feiman at Here is some good advice for how to contact faculty. Roman also wrote some advice on how to write a good statement of purpose, which you should read before crafting your statement!

To apply to the program, go to the Department of Cognitive, Linguistic & Psychological Sciences website.


Post-doctoral Fellows

Interested post-docs should send their resume/CV to Dr. Roman Feiman ( directly. The BLT lab is currently open to postdoc inquiries.

Undergraduate Opportunities

Research assistants in the lab help with numerous tasks, such as:

  • helping to run babies and children in studies
  • recruiting babies and children to participate in studies
  • scheduling families for visits to the lab
  • coding data from babies and kids’ looking and behavior
  • helping to run studies on Amazon Mechanical Turk
  • depending on interest, getting involved with the whole research process: data analysis, writing, presentation, publication, etc.

Interested students should send their resume/CV to Dr. Roman Feiman ( and CC lab manager Amanda Martino (

Note: We do not accept self-funded students.