- YAHOO NEWS, Can weight loss drugs help you cut back on drinking? A new study shows their effect on alcohol craving by Rebecca Corey (February12, 2025)
- Congratulation to Dr. Haass- Koffler, selected for the Washington University, Equalize Startups Award: program that seeks to equalize the pathway for academic women who want to commercialize their biomedical innovations
- Congratulation to Ryan Rhew ScB Neuroscience, Class ’24, for the publication of the manuscript Honor Thesis Evaluating the rage of individuals who are seeking treatment for substance use disorder in a community-based recovery center (Alcohol and Alcohol, 2025).
- BROWN SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, Unlocking the Potential of MDMA by Carly Dimitry (September 30, 2024)
- The work of the Clinical Neuroscience Laboratory on the development of new technologies to treat substance use disorder is highlighted in MIT News. 3 Questions: What does innovation look like in the field of substance use disorder? By Mariah Rawding, MIT Open Learning (September 11, 2024)
- Congratulation to the Clinical Neuroscience Laboratory for the publication of the manuscript Oxytocin reduces noradrenergic-induced opioid-like withdrawal symptoms in individuals on opioid agonist therapy
- Congratulation to the Clinical Neuroscience Lab for receiving the Biomedical Innovations to Impact (BBII) Steven J. Massarsky Biomedical Research Innovation Award. This is a collaboration with Elinore Mc-Cance-Katz, MD, PhD for the development of an opioid overdose antidote.
- Welcome to Reyner Jusuf ScM candidate in Biotechnology
- BROWN SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, Humans in Public Health Podcast. A psychedelic pathway toward PTSD recovery. Interview by Megan Hall (July 11th, 2024)
- Congratulation to the Clinical Neuroscience Laboratory for the publication of the manuscript Design and Methodology of the First Open-Label Trial of MDMA-Assisted Therapy for Veterans with PTSD and AUD; Consideration for a Randomized Controlled Trial
- CHANNEL 10 NBC NEWS WJAR. Brown University study explores MDMA therapy for veterans with PTSD, alcohol issues by Barbara Morse (May 13, 2024)
- Congratulation to the graduating Class 2024 from the Clinical Neuroscience Laboratory: Paul Soliman, Ryan Rhew, Ifenna Amaefuna.
- NEWS FROM BROWN, New study: Can MDMA-assisted therapy help military veterans with PTSD and alcohol use? By Katie Liesener, Communications Manager, Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior (published on April 30, 2024)
- MIT NEWS, This MIT Bootcamp shook everything upside down and has given me the spirit of innovation, (published on March 5th 2024)
- Congratulation to Paul Soliman and Ifenna Amaefuna ScB candidate Neuroscience, Class ’24, for the publication of the manuscript Evaluating the readability of online patient facing resources for alcohol use disorder.
- Congratulation to Ryan Rhew ScB candidate Neuroscience, Class ’24, presenting his UTRA project: Inverse translational pharmacological approach to validate heterogenous NIH-HS rat line as preclinical model of AUD. Ryan worked at the University of Camerino, Italy over the Summer.
- Congratulation to Brian Gully, Erica Eaton and Christy Capone, for the publication of the manuscript Treating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Alcohol Use Disorder comorbidity: current pharmacological therapies and Future of MDMA-integrated Psychotherapy.
- MIT NEWS, A new educational program for scientists working on substance use disorder, by Stefanie Koperniak, MIT Open Learning (published on February 8, 2023)
Dallece Elena Curley, PhD in Neuroscience
Talia Vasaturo-Kolodner, ScB in Neuroscience with Honor
Dr. Curley accepted a position at Eli Lilly and Talia will go to the Oxford University’s Dphil Neuroscience programme!
Congratulation to Dr. Dallece Curley!!!! She defended her thesis on April 4th.
She has been a great model for all of us. She mentored students with passion and she made me a better mentor.
Peter, Dr. Curley, Ryan, Talia and Paul
Paul Soliman (Royce Fellowship) and Ryan Rhew (UTRA) ScB candidate Neuroscience.
This Summer they will travel to the University of Camerino, Italy as research scholars from the Clinical Neuroscience Lab.
They will work on behavioral pharmacology paradigms with preclinical model for alcohol use disorder (AUD) in the Cannella-Ciccocioppo Laboratory.
- Congratulation to Ifenna Amaefuna, ScB candidate Neuroscience, Class ’24 for the Pediatric Oncology Education program (PAE) at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital: Summer Internship, Memphis, TN.
- Collaboration between University of Camerino, Italy and Brown is fun and exciting.
- On the MIT NEWS: A New educational program for scientists working on substance use disorder by Stefanie Koperniak, MIT Open Learning (published on February 8, 2023).
- Welcome to Ifenna Amaefuna, ScB candidate Neuroscience, Class ’24.
- Congratulations to Dallece Curley for completing The Foundation of Clinical Research Certificate from Harvard Medical School.
- Congratulations to Ryan Rhew for being selected to present his UTRA Project at the 2022 Fall UTRA Elevator Pitch.
- Congratulations to Prabhjot Singh accepted to the School of Medicine with the FlexMed program at Mt Sinai.
- Congratulations to Clinical Neuroscience Lab for receiving a NIDA Award on the development of a program on Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Biomedical Products in collaboration with The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
- Welcome to Peter Sage, ScB candidate Cognitive Neuroscience, Class ’24.
- Congratulations to our stellar undergraduates: Talia Vasaturo-Kolodner, Paul Soliman, Ryan Rhew and Prabhjot Singh for receiving the BrownConnect SPRINT|UTRA in Fall 2022 that will support their independent project and Honor Thesis.
- Congratulations to Morgan Nelson, BS, MSc for successfully defend his thesis and for his Class ’22 GRADUATION!!!!!
- Dallece Culey is back from an international, research translational experience in Italy. She worked with Prof. Ciccocioppo and Cannella at the University of Camerino on preclinical AUD models. The research experience both in clinical and preclinical setting are critical for translational investigators.
- Congratulations to Dallece Curley for the KAPPA ALPHA THETA Foundation Award to support Clinical Research Certificate Program, Harvard Medical School.
- On the BROWN DAILY HERALD the interview with Dr. Haass-Koffler on the Office of the Vice President Research (OVPR) Award: 2022 OVPR Award (published on March 2nd, 2022)
- BROWN SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH CONTINUUM, the interview by Carl Dimitry on the first study with MDMA at Brown University: Could MDMA-assisted Therapy Successfully Treat Veterans with PTSD? (published on March, 2022)
- Congratulations to Clinical Neuroscience Lab for receiving Office of the Vice President Research (OVPR) Award for the study: Safety, feasibility, and acceptability of MDMA-assisted therapy for the treatment of co-occurring posttraumatic stress disorder and alcohol use disorders in combat veterans. This exiting study is a collaboration with Dr. Christy Capone and Dr. Erica Eaton.
- Clinical Neuroscience Speaker Series (November): Megan Bertholomey, PhD Fantastic presentation on Sex differences in stress-related alcohol-motivated behavior. Brilliant and dynamic scientist with translational vision at the Allegheny College.
- Congratulations to Dallece Curley for being accepted to The Foundations of Clinical Research at the Harvard Medical School.
- Welcome to Liam Haas and Prabhjot Singh, ScB candidate Neuroscience, Class ’24.
- Congratulations to Dallece Curley for passing her Preliminary Examination and she is now a PhD candidate in Neuroscience.
- Clinical Neuroscience Monthly Speaker Series (May): Brendan J. Tunstall, PhD Fantastic presentation on The role of oxytocin in Alcohol Use Disorder. Translational effort from Behavioral Neuroscience Lab at the University of Tennessee to the Clinical Neuroscience lab at Brown.
- Congratulations to Arianna Ferretti, ScB Neuroscience, Class ’21 GRADUATION!!!!! and for her new position as research assistant at the Rohde Island Hospital.
- Clinical Neuroscience Monthly Speaker Series (April): Mehdi Farokhnia, MD Wonderful presentation with no stop questions on Appetite Hormones in Alcohol and Substance Use Disorder. Always nice to see a dear friend… still under Zoom condition.
- On The Scientist, the interview with Dr. Haass-Koffler on the recent article published on Nature Metabolism: Cerebellum Plays Crucial Role in Metabolizing Alcohol in Mice (published on March 22, 2021)
- School of Public Health Research Day, Brown University on April 7th, presentation of the following posters by the Clinical Neuroscience Laboratory:
- Curley DE, Brown ZE, Vasaturo-Kolodner T, Cannella N, Swift RM, Ciccocioppo R and Haass-Koffler CL. Sex difference in the effect of yohimbine on alcohol-related behaviors.
- Portis SM, Sun H, Magill M, Leggio L and Haass-Koffler CL. Increased amygdala expression of receptors alpha-1B in postmortem brain of individuals with alcohol use disorder.
- Ferretti A, Curley DE, Brown ZE, Quintana A, Fleig C, Swift RM and Haass-Koffler CL. The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on alcohol-related behaviors in individuals with alcohol use disorder.
- Vasaturo-Kolodner T, Goodyear K, Kenna GA, Swift RM, Leggio L and Haass-Koffler CL. Alcohol-related changes in behavior and characteristics from baseline to randomization session for participants with alcohol use disorder.
- Clinical Neuroscience Monthly Speaker Series (March): Mark Greenwald, PhD Fantastic presentation on Stressors and Stress Reactivity.
- Welcome to Allison Quintana, BS, MsC candidate Biostatistics, Class ’22 and a ROWER!!! She will work on the Alpha-1 receptor Project
- Welcome to Jeffrey Rasmussen, PhD candidate Neuroscience, Class ’24
- Clinical Neuroscience Lab presented a poster at the 59th Conference of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP)
- Welcome to Dallece Curley, PhD candidate Neuroscience, Class ’23
- On the INDY (The College Hill Independent) the interview with Dr. Haass-Koffler on rising of fentanyl crisis in the US: The Rise of King Ivory, how fentanyl become one of the most lethal drug in America by Gaya Gupta (published on Nov 13, 2020)
- Congratulations to the Clinical Neuroscience Lab, our article: Differences in sociodemographic and alcohol-related clinical characteristics between treatment seekers and non-treatment seekers and their role in predicting outcomes in the COMBINE study for alcohol use disorder was selected as the Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research – ACER Article of Public Interest (API)
- Welcome to Wooyoug Jung, MD, PhD, Visiting Research Scholar from Korea
- Welcome to Deena Haque, ScB candidate Neuroscience, Class ’23
- Congratulations to Arianna Ferretti, ScB candidate Neuroscience, Class ’21 for the BrownConnect Collaborative SPRINT Award (Short-term Projects for Research, Internships, and Teaching)
- Welcome to Talia Vasaturo-Kolodner, ScB candidate Neuroscience, Class ’23
- Welcome to Arianna Ferretti, ScB candidate Neuroscience, Class ’21
- On the BROWN DAILY HERALD the interview with Dr. Haass-Koffler on the Award of the COBRE Award for the Center for Addiction and Disease Risk Exacerbation (CADRE): $12.5 million grant funds new substance abuse research by Emilia Sagaityte (published on Sept. 6th , 2019)
- Congratulations to the Clinical Neuroscience Lab, our article: Intravenous administration of ghrelin increases serum cortisol and aldosterone concentrations in heavy-drinking alcohol-dependent individuals: results from a double-blind, placebo-controlled human laboratory study was selected and presented by Dr. George Koob at the 152nd Meeting of the National Advisory Council on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
- Welcome to Zoe Brown, BA, Research Assistant
- Congratulations to Victoria Long, ScM she was awarded with the Public Health Impact Award Public Health Impact Award.
- Congratulations to Victoria Long, ScM Behavioral and Social Sciences, graduation!
- Congratulations to Paul Wallace, MD Alpert Medical School, graduation and matching at the University California, San Francisco (UCSF) Psychiatry Residency program
- Welcome to Roberta Perciballi, MD Visiting Research Scholar from Sapienza Universita`, Roma, Italia
- Congratulations to the Clinical Neuroscience Lab, our article: Relationship between the aldosterone – mineralocorticoid receptor pathway and alcohol drinking: preliminary translational findings across rats, monkeys and humans was featured on the NIAAA press release and selected as an NIH-wide press and Selected Article: NIDA paper of the month
- Congratulations to Rachel Souza, ScM for the NIH/NIAAA Research Society for Alcoholism, Student Merit Award
- Congratulations to Rachel Souza, ScM Behavioral and Social Sciences, graduation!
- Welcome to Bianca Persaud, Brown Program in Liberal Medical Education (PLME) combined baccalaureate-MD
- Congratulations the Clinical Neuroscience Lab, our article: Higher pretreatment blood pressure is associated with greater alcohol drinking reduction in alcohol-dependent individuals treated with doxazosin was featured in the New England Journal Medicine (NEJM) Journal Watch
- Congratulations to Sarah E. Eltinge, ScB, AB for her job at Johnson & Johnson Health Technology Center, Providence, RI
- Congratulations to Elie G. Aoun, MD, for the Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship, Columbia University NY, NY
- Congratulations to Harrison H Tran for the Karen T. Romer Undergraduate Teaching and Research Award (UTRA)
- Congratulations to Victoria M. Long, BA ScM candidate for acceptance in the Master program, Behavioral Social Science, School Public Health, Brown University
- Congratulations to Rachel Souza ScB for acceptance in the Master program, Behavioral Social Science, School Public Health, Brown University
- Congratulations to Sarah E. Eltinge, ScB, AB Selected for the Brown School of Public Health highlights SPH student story
- Congratulations to Sarah E. Eltinge, ScB, AB for the Award for Excellence in Public Health Honors Thesis
- Congratulations to Paul M. Wallace, BS, for Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Conference on Medical Student Education, Nalaxone in the homeless community project, Anaheim, CA, travel funded by SAMSHA
- Welcome to Rachel Souza ScB, Neuroscience
- Congratulations to Sarah E. Eltinge, ScB (Statistics), AB (Public Health) for graduating with honor
- Congratulations to Elie G. Aoun, MD, for the Addiction Psychiatry Fellowship University California, San Francisco (UCSF)
- Welcome to Harrison H Tran ScB candidate, Neuroscience
- Congratulations to Danielle E. Giovenco, ScM for acceptance in the PhD program in Epidemiology, Gillings School of Global Public Health, University North Carolina
- Congratulations to Paul M. Wallace, BS, for Alpert Medical School of Brown University Summer Assistantship
- Congratulations to Paul M. Wallace, BS, for Summer Institute for Medical Students (SIMS), Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation
- Welcome to Victoria M. Long, BA, as research assistant
- Congratulations to Elie G. Aoun, MD, for the International Medical Graduate Award American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training (AADPRT)
- Congratulations to Elie G. Aoun, MD, for the AAAP American Psychiatric Leadership Award
- Congratulations to Elie G. Aoun, MD, for the AAAP Associate Chair Program Committee
- Congratulations to Elie G. Aoun, MD, for the APA – SAMSHA Substance Abuse and Minority Fellowship Awardee
- Congratulations to Elie G. Aoun, MD, for the Stepping Up National Summit/APEX (American Psychiatric Excellence Award) Travel Award, APA
- Welcome to Paul M Wallace, BS, Alpert Medical School, class 2019
- Congratulations to Elie G. Aoun, MD, for the AADPRT International Medical Graduate Award
- Congratulations to the Clinical Neuroscience Lab, our article: L. Exogenous intravenous ghrelin administration decreases Leptin serum level and increases alcohol cravingwas featured on the NIDA Science Highlights
- Congratulations to Elie G. Aoun, MD, for the Poster Selected: for Medscape Report, AAAP, Huntington Beach, CA
- Congratulations to Elie G. Aoun, MD for the Poster recipient: 9th highest score out of 200 submission and Travel Award, American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP), Aventura, FL
- Congratulations to Elie G. Aoun, MD, for the R25 Grant Award for the Brown University Psychiatry Training Research – Research Track, National Institute of Mental Health (R25MH101076)