* Co-first authors
† Corresponding authors
J Nie*, K Eom*, HM Alghosain, A Neifert, A Cherian, G-M Gerbaka, KY Ma, T Liu, J Lee†
Intravitreally injected plasmonic nanorods activate bipolar cells with patterned near-infrared laser projection
ACS Nano (Mar 2025)
A Zein-Sabatto, K St. Angelo, SJ Madnick, D Hoffman-Kim, JR Morgan, J Lee†
Multi-assay assessment of cytotoxicity reveals multiple mechanisms of action in 3D microtissues
Scientific Reports 15, 3090 (Jan 2025)
HJ Kwon, YJ Cho, KM Yuk, J Lee, SH Choi, KM Byun†
Development of nanogap-rich hybrid gold nanostructures by use of two non-lithographic deposition techniques for a sensitive and reliable SERS biosensor
Biomedical Engineering Letters 14(4), 859 (May 2024)
RJ Kant, KD Dwyer, J-H Lee, C Polucha, M Kobayashi, S Pyon, AH Soepriatna, J Lee, KLK Coulombe†
Patterned arteriole-scale vessels enhance engraftment, perfusion, and vessel branching hierarchy of engineered human myocardium for heart regeneration
Cells 12(13), 1698 (June 2023)
K Walek*, S Stefan*, J-H Lee, P Puttigampala, A Kim, SW Park, P Marchand, F Lesage, T Liu, Y-W Huang, D Boas, C Moore, J Lee†
Near-lifespan longitudinal tracking of brain microvascular morphology, topology, and flow in male mice
Nature Communications 14:2982 (May 2023)
J-H Lee, S Stefan, K Walek, J Nie, K Min, TD Yang, J Lee†
Investigating the correlation between early vascular alterations and cognitive impairment in Alzheimer’s disease mice with SD-OCT
Biomedical Optics Express 14(4), 1494 (Mar 2023)
K Sung, S Jo, J Lee, JH Park, YH Park, J Moon, SJ Kim, J Jeong, J Lee, K Eom†
Computational analysis of multichannel magnetothermal neural stimulation using magnetic resonator array
Biomedical Engineering Letters s13534-023-00267 (Feb 2023)
Y Chen, F Xing†, S Ge, J Nie, N Sun, Z Ma, J Lee
Design and demonstration of ultrafast holographic microscopic system based on time stretching
Optics Communications 514, 128153 (Jul 2022)
F Xing, S Ge, Y Wang†, J Nie, Y Di, Z Gan, C Liu, J Lee
Simultaneously reconfigurable multispectral microscopic imaging based on a digital micromirror device
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 34(8), 417 (Apr 2022)
N Sun, F Xing†, J Nie, Y Di, C Liu, Z Gan†, J Lee
Micron-resolution high-performance line field optical coherence tomography and its application
Optical Engineering 61(3), 033102 (Mar 2022)
J Lee†
Near-lifespan tracking of cerebral microvascular degeneration in aging to Alzheimer’s continuum
Advances in Geriatric Medicine and Research 4(1), e220003 (Mar 2022)
S Stefan, A Kim, PJ Marchand, F Lesage, J Lee†
Deep learning and simulation for the estimation of red blood cell flux with optical coherence tomography
Frontiers in Neuroscience 16, 835773 (Feb 2022)
N-R Im*, TD Yang*, K Park, J-H Lee, J Lee, YH Kim, J-S Lee, B Kim, K-Y Jung, Y Choi†, S-K Baek†
Application of M1 macrophage as a live vector in delivering nanoparticles for in vivo photothermal treatment
Journal of Advanced Research 31, 155 (Jul 2021)
J Tang†, X Cheng, K Kilic, A Devor, J Lee, DA Boas
Imaging localized fast optical signals of neural activation with optical coherence tomography in awake mice
Optics Letters 46 (7), 1744 (Apr 2021)
F Xing, J-H Lee, C Polucha, J Lee†
Design and optimization of line-field optical coherence tomography at visible wavebands
Biomedical Optics Express 12 (3), 1351 (Mar 2021)
S Stefan, J Lee†
Deep learning toolbox for automated enhancement, segmentation, and graphing of cortical optical coherence tomography microangiograms
Biomedical Optics Express 11 (12), 7325 (Dec 2020)
K Park, JH Kim, T Kong, W Sun, J Lee, TD Yang†, Y Choi†
Label-free microendoscopy using a micro-needle imaging probe for in vivo deep tissue imaging
Biomedical Optics Express 11 (9), 4976 (Sep 2020)
F Xing†, J-H Lee, C Polucha, J Lee
Three-dimensional imaging of spatio-temporal dynamics of small blood capillary network in the cortex based on optical coherence tomography: A review
Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences 13 (1), 2030002 (Jan 2020)
TD Yang, K Park, J-S Park, J-H Lee, E Choi, J Lee, W Choi, Y Choi†, KJ Lee†
Two distinct actin waves correlated with turns-and-runs of crawling microglia
PLoS ONE 14 (9), e0222692 (Aug 2019)
A Akif, K Walek, C Polucha, J Lee†
Doppler OCT clutter rejection using variance minimization and offset extrapolation
Biomedical Optics Express 9 (11), 5340-5352 (Nov 2018)
JS Lee, K Eom, C Polucha, J Lee†
Standard-unit measurement of cellular viability using dynamic light scattering optical coherence microscopy
Biomedical Optics Express 9 (11), 5227-5239 (Nov 2018)
K Eom, KM Byun, SB Jun, SJ Kim, J Lee†
Theoretical study on gold nanorod-enhanced near-infrared neural stimulation
Biophysical Journal 115 (8), 1481-1497 (Oct 2018)
S Stefan, KS Jeong, C Polucha, N Tapinos, SA Toms, J Lee†
Determination of confocal profile and curved focal plane for OCT mapping of the attenuation coefficient
Biomedical Optics Express 9 (10), 5084-5099 (Oct 2018)
J Tang†, SE Erdener, B Li, B Fu, S Sakadzic, SA Carp, J Lee, DA Boas
Shear-induced diffusion of red blood cells measured with dynamic light scattering-optical coherence tomography
Journal of Biophotonics 11, e201700070 (Feb 2018)
J Lee†, Y Gursoy-Ozdemir, B Fu, DA Boas, T Dalkara
Optical coherence tomography imaging of capillary reperfusion after ischemic stroke
Applied Optics 55 (33), 9526-9531 (Nov 2016)
Prior to Brown
EJ Gutiérrez†, C Cai, I Mikkelsen, P Rasmussen, H Angleys, M Merrild, K Mouridsen, S Jespersenn, J Lee, S Sakadzic, N Iversen, L Østergaard
Effect of electrical forepaw stimulation on capillary transit time heterogeneity (CTH)
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 36 (12), 2072-2086 (Dec 2016)
B Li†, J Lee, DA Boas, F Lesage
Contribution of low and high flux capillaries to slow hemodynamic fluctuations in the cerebral cortex of mice
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 36 (8), 1351-1356 (Aug 2016)
J Lee†, W Wu, DA Boas
Early capillary flux homogenization in response to neural activation
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 36 (2), 375-380 (Feb 2016)
S Sakadžić†, J Lee, DA Boas, C Ayata
High-resolution in vivo optical imaging of stroke injury and repair
Brain Research 1623, 174-192 (Oct 2015)
J Lee†, JY Jiang, W Wu, F Lesage, DA Boas
Statistical intensity variation analysis for rapid volumetric imaging of capillary network flux
Biomedical Optics Express 5 (4), 1160-1172 (Apr 2014)
J Lee†, W Wu, F Lesage, DA Boas
Multiple-capillary measurement of RBC speed, flux, and density with optical coherence tomography
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 33 (11), 1707-1710 (Nov 2013)
J Lee†, H Radhakrishnan, W Wu, A Daneshmand, M Climov, C Ayata, DA Boas
Quantitative imaging of cerebral blood flow velocity and intracellular motility using dynamic light scattering–optical coherence tomography
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 33 (6), 819-825 (Jun 2013)
J Lee†, W Wu, JY Jiang, B Zhu, DA Boas
Dynamic light scattering optical coherence tomography
Optics Express 20 (20), 22262-22277 (Sep 2012)
J Lee†, V Srinivasan, H Radhakrishnan, DA Boas
Motion correction for phase-resolved dynamic optical coherence tomography imaging of rodent cerebral cortex
Optics Express 19 (22), 21258-21270 (Oct 2011)
J Lee†, DA Boas, SJ Kim
Multiphysics neuron model for cellular volume dynamics
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 58 (10), 3000-3003 (Oct 2011)
J Lee†, SJ Kim
Spectrum measurement of fast optical signal of neural activity in brain tissue and its theoretical origin
Neuroimage 51 (2), 713-722 (Jun 2010)
J Lee, SJ Kim†
Finite-difference time-domain study on birefringence changes of the axon during neural activation
Journal of Optical Society of Korea 13, 272-278 (Jun 2009)
SA Kim, KM Byun, J Lee, JH Kim, DA Kim, H Baac, ML Shuler, SJ Kim†
Optical measurement of neural activity using surface plasmon resonance
Optics Letters 33 (9), 914-916 (May 2008)