
The Learning, Memory & Decision lab is part of the Department of Neuroscience and the Robert J. & Nancy D. Carney Institute for Brain Science at Brown University. We use computational models to better understand how the brain represents and stores information for effective decision making.

We are often looking for volunteers to contribute to our work. To participate in a research experiment in the lab please contact us.

See specific examples of previous work on our publications page and our ongoing projects on our research page.


[Sep 2024]  Congrats to friend of LMD lab Romy Fröemer on a fantastic new paper in Nature Human Behavior!
[Aug 2024] Welcome Haoxue joining us from Harvard as our new Postdoc!
[Jul 2024]   Congrats to Caesar on receiving the NSF CISE Fellowship!
[Jun 2024]  Read Matt's paper in Current Biology in Behavioral Sciences discussing the computational role of the LC/NE system🧠


                                                          Check out our lab twitter and announcements for more news!