Mayoral Lab:
Room 473 Biomedical Center (BMC), 171 Meeting Street, Providence, RI 02912
Lab phone: 401-863-6889

Sonia’s Office:
Room 364 Sidney Frank Hall (SFH), 185 Meeting Street, Providence, RI 02912
Office phone: 401-863-2630

Mailing Address:
Department of Neuroscience, Brown University, Box GL-N, Providence, RI 02912



Join Us!

In the Mayoral lab we aim to do excellent science in a supportive environment. We do this in part by making our workspace a place that encourages learning and collaboration. We are respectful of each other, the lab, and the animals we work with. We celebrate each other’s life achievements as well as our scientific accomplishments and failures. We work to be open-minded and foster open communication by giving each other the opportunity to ask questions, express our thoughts, and listen. We are also committed to making our lab a diverse and inclusive place to do exciting, neuroscience research.

If you agree with the above statements, we would love to have you join! We are currently hiring a research assistant! For more information and to apply go here. Please send all inquiries to Sonia Mayoral at If you are an undergraduate at Brown, please complete this interest form.